Digital Manuscript ProjectEn attendant Godot / Waiting for Godot

[0012] I'm beginning to come round
to that opinion.
[0014] All my life
I've tried to put it from me,
saying, Vladimir, be reasonable,
you haven't yet tried everything.
[0015] And I resumed the struggle.
[0016] (He
broods, musing on the struggle. [0017] T
Turning to Estragon.)
[0018] So there you
are again.
[0022|001] Together again at last!
[0023] We'll
have to celebrate this. But how?
[0024] (He reflects.)
[0025] Get up till I embrace
- Segments
En attendant Godot / Waiting for Godot © 2017 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt