Digital Manuscript ProjectEn attendant Godot / Waiting for Godot

Vladimir Vladimir
[0142] Did you ever read the Bible?
[0145|001] Do you remember the Gospels?
[0151] I remember the maps of the Holy Land. [0152] Coloured they
were. [0153] Very pretty. [0154] The Dead Sea was pale blue. [0155] The
very look of it made me thirsty. [0156] That's where we'll
go, I used to sau [place = overwritten] y, that's where we'll go for our honey-
moon. [0157] We'll swim. [0158] We'll be happy.
- Segments
En attendant Godot / Waiting for Godot © 2017 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt