Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
L'Innommable / The Unnamable


Segment 1

[2183] him till he was dead, second verse, Then all the dogs came
e [place = overwritten] running [place = supralinear] crawling, And dug their pal [place = supralinear] the dog a tomb, x [place = overwritten] And wrote upon the tombstone,
For dogs and bictch bitches to come, third verse, as the second [place = supralinear] first,
fourth, as the second, fifth, as the h [place = overwritten] third, give us time, give
us time and we'll be a multitude, a thousand, ten thousand, there
there's no m [place = overwritten] lack of room, adeste, adeste, all ye living bastards,

Segment 2

[2183] you'll be all right, you'll see, you'll never be born again,
what am I talking about [place = supralinear] saying, you'll never have been born, and bring
your brats, our hell will be heaven to them, after what you've [place = supralinear] they've been through
done to them [place = supralinear] with you. .

Segment 3

[2184] But come to think of it are we not already a
goodly company, what right have I to flatter myself I'm the
first, first in time I mean of course, there are some more
questions,please God they don't take the fancy to answer them.
[2185] What can they be hatching anyhow, at this late hour?[2186] Can it
be thet [place = overwritten] y are resolved at last to seize me by the horns?
[2187] Looks
like it.
[2188] In that case tableau any minute.

Segment 4

[2189] Oyez, oyez, I was
like them, before being like me, oh the swine, that's one I
won't get over in a hurry, no matter, no matter, the charge
is sounded, present arms, corpse, to your guns, spermatozoon.

Segment 5

[2190] I too, weary of pleading an incomprehensible cause, at twenty [place = supralinear] six and
cents [place = supralinear] eightpence the thousand flowers of rhetoric, let myslef drop among
the contumacious, nice image that, telescoping space, it must
be the Pulitzer Prize, they're trying to dull [place = supralinear] bore me to sleep, at
long range, for fear I might defend myself, they want to catch
me alive, so as to be able to kill me, thi [place = overwritten] us I shall have lived,
they think I'm alive, what a business, were there but a cadaver
it would smack of exhumation [place = supralinear] body-snatching, not in a woman [place = supralinear] womb either, the bi

Segment 6

[2190] slut has yet to menstruate that will ever litter [place = supralinear] capable of whelping me, that should
singularly restrict the field of research, a sperm dying, of cold,
in the sheets, wagging feebly it's l its little tail, perhaps
I'm a drying sperm, in the sheets of an innocent boy, even that
takes time, not a stone must be left unturned, one mustn't
be afraid of making a howler, how can one [place = supralinear] know it is one before it's
made, and one it most certainly is, now that it's irrevocable,
for the good reason, here's another, here comes another, unless [place = inline] it

Doodle 16
Shape, Pen test, Zigzag
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