Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
L'Innommable / The Unnamable


Segment 1

[0479] a moment more worthy worthier than grey to enfold me.[0480] What nonsense rubbish
all this business stuff about light and dark.
[0481] And how I have
wallowed in it.
[0482] But [f]do I roll, like in the manner of a true ball? Or am I in
equilibrium somewhere, on one of my innumerable numberless poles?
[0483] I
feel strongly tempted to know enquire discover.
[0484] What a chunk slice of discourse reams I
could squeeze elicit from this apparently so legitimate preoccupation.

Segment 2

[0480] What nonsense rubbish
all this business stuff about light and dark.
[0481] And how I have
wallowed in it.
[0482] But [f]do I roll, like in the manner of a true ball? Or am I in
equilibrium somewhere, on one of my innumerable numberless poles?
[0483] I
feel strongly tempted to know enquire discover.
[0484] What a chunk slice of discourse reams I
could squeeze elicit from this apparently so legitimate preoccupation.

Segment 3

[0481] And how I have
wallowed in it.
[0480] What nonsense rubbish
all this business stuff about light and dark.
[0482] But [f]do I roll, like in the manner of a true ball? Or am I in
equilibrium somewhere, on one of my innumerable numberless poles?
[0483] I
feel strongly tempted to know enquire discover.
[0484] What a chunk slice of discourse reams I
could squeeze elicit from this apparently so legitimate preoccupation.

Segment 4

[0485] But which would not be credited to me.[0486] No, between me and
the right to silence, the living rest to rest before I end, stretches the same old
lesson, the lesson one I knew by heart and would not say, I don't
know why, perhaps for fear of the silence perhaps, or thinking any old
thing would do, and so lies for preference, in order to re-
maijn hidden. ,
[0487] No no importance.[0488] But now I shall say my lesson, if
I can remember it.

Segment 5

[0489] Under the skies, on the roads, in the towns,
in the woods, in the mountains hills, in the plains, by the seas shores,
on the waves sea, behind my mannikins, I was not always sad, I
wasteding my time, abjureding my rights, suffereding for nothing, for-
gotgetting my lesson. [Stet]
[0490] Then a little heell after my own heart, not too cruel, with
a few nice damned to hang foist my groans on, something sighing off
and on and the far off distant gleams of pity's flames fires biding
their hour to promote us to ashes.

Segment 6

[0491] I speak, speak, because I
must, but I do not listen, I seek after my lesson, my life I
used to know and would not confess, whence possibly an
occasional slight lack of limpidity.
[0492] And perhalps now once
again I shall do no more than seek after my lesson, and fail never
to say it, to the self-accompaniment of a language tongue that is
not mine.

Segment 7

[0493] But instead of saying what I should not say have
said, and what I shall say no more, if I can, and what I shall say
perhaps, if I can, should In I not rather say some other
thing, even though it be is not yet the right thing?
[0494] I shall I'll [Stet]
try, I shall I'll try in another present, even though it be not
yet mine, without pauses, without tears, without eyes, with-
out reasons.

Segment 8

[0495] Let us assume it be assumed [Stet] then that I am at rest, though it's unimportant
though this is, at rest or rolling never still, through the
air or in contact with other surfaces, or that I sometimes
roll move, sometimes rest, since I felel nothing, neither quietude

Metamark 1
Metamark: Stet Note: \'Stet\' in the margin.
Metamark 2
Metamark: Stet Note: \'Stet\' in the margin.
Metamark 3
Metamark: Stet Note: \'Stet\' in the margin.
  • Segments
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