Digital Manuscript ProjectL'Innommable / The Unnamable

[1976] know, and for no other reason than
their ignorance of what to do, whether
to fill up the holes or let them fill up by
themselves, it's like shit, there we are at
last, there it is at last, the right word,
one has only to search, only to search in vain, to
find in the end, it's a question of elimination.
Enough about holes.[1978] The grey means nothing,
the grey silence is not necessarily a mere lull
, it may be final, or it may not.[1979] But
the lamps unattended will not burn for ever,
on the contrary, they will go out,
little by little, without attendants to
charge them anew, and go silent, in the
end.[1980] Then it will be dark.
[1981] But
it is with the dark as with the grey, the dark
proves nothing either, as to the value of the
silence which it thickens so to speak.
[1984] So that it will never be known, Worm
will never know, let the silence be black, or
let it be grey, it will never be possible to
know, as long as it lasts, whether it is final,
or whether it is
[1984] a mere lull, and what a lull,
when he must listen, strain his ears for
the murmurs of past silences, hold himself
ready for the next instalment, under pain
of supplementary thunderbolts.
A faint one, perhaps, but which will never
serve.[1992] But one forgets.[1993] Or if there is only one he
depart all alone, towards his master, and
his long shadow will follow him, across the
desert, it's a desert, that's news, Worm will
see the light in the desert, the desert light, the
day they catch him, it's the same as everywhere
else, they say not, they say it is purer, clearer,
- Segments
L'Innommable / The Unnamable © 2013 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Shane Weller and Vincent Neyt