Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
L'Innommable / The Unnamable


Segment 1

[2319] different matter, I was never elsewhere,
here is my only elsewhere, it's I who
do this thing and I who suffer it, it's
not possible otherwise, it's not possible
thus, it's not my fault, all I can say
is that it's not my fault, it isn't the
fault of anybodyone, since there isn't anyone

Segment 2

[2319] it can't be the fault of anyone, since
there isn't anyone but me it can't be
mine, sometimes I seem to reason,
that's all right with me, they must have
taught me to reason, they must have begun

Segment 3

[2319] teaching me, before they abandoned me,
I don't remember that period, but
it must have marked me, I don't remember
having been abandoned, perhaps I
received a shock.

Segment 4

[2320] Strange, these phrases
that die you know not why for no reason, strange,
what's strange about it, here all is
strange, all is strange when you come
to think of it, no, it's thinking [ADDITION]Addition on page 37vcoming to
think []
of it that
is strange, am I to suppose I am
possessed, I can't suppose anything, I

Segment 5

[2320] have to go on, that's what I'm doing,
let others suppose, there must be others
in other elsewheres, each one in his
little elsewhere, this word that keeps
coming back, each one saying to himself,
when the moment comes, the moment to
say it, Let others suppose, and so on,

Segment 6

[2320] so on, let others do this, let others do that
if there are any, that enables you to go on
helps you on, you can say what you
like, that helps you on, that helps you
forward, I believe in progress, I
know how to believe too, they must
have taught me how to believe too.

Segment 7

[2321] No, no one ever taught me anything,
I never learnt anything, I've always
been here, there here there was never
anyone but me, never, always, me,
no one, old [xxx] forever churned,
slush to be churned eternally, now it's
slush, a minute ago it was dust, it
must have rained.

Segment 8

[2322.1] He must have
journeyed, he whose voice it is, he must
have seen, with his eyes, a man or two,
a thing or two, he must have been aloft,
under the light, or else he has been
told stories, travellers found him and

  • Segments