Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 2195
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L'Innommable Segment 2195, version 1 (MS-HRC-SB-4-1, f. 36v)
J'aime mieux ça, je
dois dire que j'aime mieux ça, quoi
ça, oh vous savez, qui vous, ça doit
être l'assistance, tiens, il y a une
assistance, c'est un spectacle, on paie
sa place et on attend, ou c'est peut-être gratuit,
ça doit être gratuit, un spectacle gratuit,
on attend que ça commence, quoi ça,
le spectacle, on attend que le spectacle
commence, c'est long le spectacle gratuit,
c'est peut ou c'est peut-être obligatoire,
un spectacle obligatoire, on attend que
ça commence, le spectacle obligatoire,
c'est long, on entend la voix une voix, c'est
peut-être un récital muet, pour
choeur seul récital, c'est ça le spectacle,
une voix quelqu'un qui récite, u des morceaux
choisis, éprouvés, sûrs, ou qui improvise, on l'entend à peine, c'est
ça le spectacle, on ne peut pas partir,
on a peur de partir, on s'arrange comme
on peut, on se tient des raisonnements,
[⁁] on est venu trop tôt, ça ne fait que commencer, il ne fait
que préluder, [⁁] [⁁] il se râcle la gorge, tout seul dans sa loge,
il va se montrer, il va commencer, ou c'est le régisseur, il
donne ses instructions, le rideau va se
lever, c'est ça le spectacle, attendre
le spectacle, au son d'une voix, on se
raisonne, est-ce une après voix après tout,
c'est peut-être l'air, montant, descendant,
s'étirant, fuyant, parmi les obstacles,
et où sont les autres, les autres spectateurs,
on n'avait pas remarqué, dans la
tension de l'attente, qu'on attendait
seul, c'est ça le spectacle, attendre
seul, dans l'air inquiet, que ça
commence, [⁁] [⁁] qu'il y ait autre chose, que soi, qu'on puisse s'en aller,
qu'on n'ait plus peur, [⁁][⁁] [⁁] on se raisonne, on est peut-être aveugle, on
est peut-être sourd, le spectacle a eu lieu,
à tout est fini, mais où donc est la main,
la main amie, ou payée pour ça, ou simplement pie, ou payée pour ça, elle est longue à venir,
prendre la vôtre, vous mener dehors, c'est
ça le spectacle, attendre seul, aveugle,
sourd, on ne sait pas où, qu'une main
vienne, vous mener ailleurs. c'est ça le
spectacle, il ne coûte rien
L'Innommable Segment 2195, version 2 (Minuit 1953, p. 193)
J'aime mieux ça, je dois dire que j'aime mieux ça, quoi ça, oh vous savez, qui vous, ça doit être l'assistance, tiens, il y a une assistance, c'est un spectacle, on paie sa place et on attend, ou c'est peut-être gratuit, ça doit être gratuit, un spectacle gratuit, on attend que ça commence, quoi ça, le spectacle, on attend que le spectacle commence, le spectacle gratuit, ou c'est peut-être obligatoire, un spectacle obligatoire, on attend que ça commence, le spectacle obligatoire, c'est long, on entend une voix, c'est peut-être une récitation, c'est ça le spectacle, quelqu'un qui récite, des morceaux choisis, éprouvés, sûrs, une matinée poétique, ou qui improvise, on l'entend à peine, c'est ça le spectacle, on ne peut pas partir, on a peur de partir, ailleurs c'est peut-être pire, on s'arrange comme on peut, on se tient des raisonnements, on est venu trop tôt, ici il faudrait du latin, ça ne fait que commencer, ça n'a pas encore commencé, il ne fait que préluder, que se racler la gorge, seul dans sa loge, il va se montrer, il va commencer, ou c'est le régisseur, il donne ses instructions, ses dernières indications, le rideau va se lever, c'est ça le spectacle, attendre le spectacle, au son d'un murmure, on se raisonne, est-ce une voix après tout, c'est peut-être l'air, montant, descendant, s'étirant, tourbillonnant, cherchant une issue, parmi les obstacles, et où sont les autres, les autres spectateurs, on n'avait pas remarqué, dans l'étau de l'attente, qu'on est seul à attendre, c'est ça le spectacle, attendre seul, dans l'air inquiet, que ça commence, que quelque chose commence, qu'il y ait autre chose que soi, qu'on puisse s'en aller, qu'on n'ait plus peur, on se raisonne, on est peut-être aveugle, on est sans doute sourd, le spectacle a eu lieu, tout est fini, mais où est donc la main, la main amie, ou simplement pie, ou payée pour cela, elle est longue à venir, prendre la vôtre, vous mener dehors, c'est ça le spectacle, il ne coûte rien, attendre seul, aveugle, sourd, on ne sait pas où, on ne sait pas quoi, qu'une main vienne, vous tirer de là, vous mener ailleurs, où c'est peut-être pire.

The Unnamable Segment 2195, version 3 (MS-HRC-SB-5-9-3, f. 11r)
Well I prefer that, I
must say I prefer that, that what, oh you know,
who you, oh I suppose the audience, well well,
so t there's an audience, it's a public spectacle public show,
you buy your seat and you wait, or perhaps
it's free, a free show, you wait for it to begin,
that what, the show, you wait for the show
to begin, the free show, or perhaps it's compulsory,
a compulsory show, you wait for it to begin,
the compulsory show, it's a show xxx it takes
some time, you hear a voice, perhaps it's a
recitation, that's the show, someone reciting,
selected passages, old xxx favourites,
a poetry matinee, or someone improvising,
it's scarcely you can hardly barely hear him, that's the
show, you can't leave, you're afraid to leave,
things might be worse elsewhere, you make
the best of it, you
find explanations pull yourself together, you
came too early, here we'd need Latin,
it's only beginning, it hasn't begun, he's
only preluding, clearing his throat, in his
alone in his dressing-room, he'll appear in a
moment, he'll begin in a moment, or it's
the stage-manager, giving his instructions,
his last recommendations, before the curtain
rises, that's the show, waiting for the show,
to the sound of a murmur, you pull yourself
together, perhaps it's not a voice at all,
perhaps it's the air, ascending, descending,
expanding, contracting, seeking a way out
among the obstacles, and the spectators,
where are they, you hadn't noticed, in the
clutch of waiting, that you wait are waiting
alone, that's the show, waiting alone, in
the restless air, for it to begin, for something
to begin, for there to be something else besides
yourself, for the xxx power to go, the courage
to go, you pull yourself together, perhaps
you're blind, no doubt you are deaf, the
show is over, all is over, but where then is
the hand, the friendly h hand of friendship,
or merely of charity, or the hired hand,
it's a long time coming, to take yours,
and lead you away, somewhere xxx else
perhaps where perhaps it's worse.

The Unnamable Segment 2195, version 4 (MS-HRC-SB-5-10, f. 108r)
Well I prefer that, I must say I
prefer that, that what, oh you know, who you, oh I suppose the audience
well well, so there's an audience, it's a public show, you buy
your seat and you wait, perhaps it's free, a freeshow free show,
you take your seat and wait for it to begin, or perhaps it's
compulsory, a compulsory show, you wait for the compulsory show
to begin,it takes some time, you hear a voiece, perhaps it's a
recitation, that's the show, someone reciting, selected passages,
old favourites, a poetry matinée, or someone improvising, you
can barely hear him, that's the show, you can't leave, you're
afraid to leave, it might be even worse elsewhere, you pull make
yourself together, the best of it, you reason with yourself, try and be reasonable, you came too early, here we'd need latin,
it's only beginning, it hasn't begun, he's only preluding,
clearing his throat, alone in his dressing-room, he'll appear
in a moment, he'll begin in a moment, or it's the statge-manager,
giving his instructions, his last recommendations, before the
curtain rises, that's the show, waiting for the show, to the sound
of miumu a murmur, you pull yourself together reason with yourself try and be reasonable, perhaps it's not a
voice at all, perhaps it's the air, ascending, descending,
flowing, eddying, seeking an exit, finding none, and the
spectators, where are they, you don't didn't noticed, in the clutch anguish
of waiting, never noticed you were waiting alone, that's the show, waiting
alone, in the restless air, for it to begin, for something
to begin, for there to be something aelse but you, for the power
to go, the courage to leave, you pull yourself together, reason with your try & be reasonable, perhaps you are blind, probably you are deaf, the show is over,
all is over, but where then is the hand, the and of friendship, helping hand
or merely of charity charitable, or the hired hand, it's a long time
colming, to take yours and draw you waway,
that's the show, free, gratis and for nothing, waiting
alone, blind and deaf, you don't know where,
you don't know for what, for a hand to come,
and draw you away, somewhere else, where perhaps it's worse.

The Unnamable Segment 2195, version 5 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-71, f. 105r)
Well I prefer that, I must say I prefer that, that what, oh you
know, who yuou, oh I suppose the audience, well well, so there's an
audience, it's a public show, you buy your seat and you wait, perhaps
it's free, a free show, you take your seat and you wait for it to
begin, or perhaps it's compulsotry, a compulsory show, you wait for
the compulsory show to begin, it takes time, you hear a voice, perhaps it's a recitation, that's the show, someone reciting, selected
passages, iold favourites, a poetry matin�e, or someone improvising,
you can barely hear him, that'st that's the show, you can't leave,
you're afraid to leave, it might be worse elsewhere, you make the
best of it, you try and be reasonable, you came too early, here
we'd need latin, it's only beginning, it hasn't begun, he's only
preluding, clearing his throat, alone in his dressing-room, he'll
appear in a any moment, he'll begin in a any moment, or it's the stage-manager, giving his instructions, his last recommendations, before
the curatin
rises, that's the show, waiting for the show, to the
sound of a murmur, you try and be reasonable, perhaps it's not a
voice at all, perhaps it's the air, ascending, descending, flowing,
eddying, seeking an exit, finding none, and the
spectators, where are
they, you didn't notice, in the anguish of waiting, never noticed
you were waiting alone, that's the show, waiting alone, in the
restless air, for it to begin, for something to begin, for there
to be something else but you, for the power to rise, the courage
to leave, you try and be reasonable, perhaps you are blind, probably
deaf, the show is over, all is over, but where then is the hand, the helping hand, or merely charitable, or the hired hand, it's
a long time coming, to take yours and draw you away, that's the
show, free, gratis and for nothing, waiting alone, blind,
and eaf
deaf, you don't know where, you don't know for what, for a hand
to come and draw you away, somewhere else, where perhaps it's worse.
The Unnamable Segment 2195, version 6 (Grove Press 1958, p. 132)
Well I prefer that, I must say I prefer that, that what, oh you know, who you, oh I suppose the audience, well well, so there's an audience, it's a public show, you buy your seat and you wait, perhaps it's free, a free show, you take your seat and you wait for it to begin, or perhaps it's compulsory, a compulsory show, you wait for the compulsory show to begin, it takes time, you hear a voice, perhaps it's a recitation, that's the show, someone reciting, selected passages, old favourites, a poetry matin�e, or someone improvising, you can barely hear him, that's the show, you can't leave, you're afraid to leave, it might be worse elsewhere, you make the best of it, you try and be reasonable, you came too early, here we'd need latin, it's only beginning, it hasn't begun, he's only preluding, clearing his throat, alone in his dressing-room, he'll appear any moment, he'll begin any moment, or it's the stage-manager, giving his instructions, his last recommendations, before the curtain rises, that's the show, waiting for the show, to the sound of a murmur, you try and be reasonable, perhaps it's not a voice at all, perhaps it's the air, ascending, descending, flowing, eddying, seeking exit, finding none, and the spectators, where are they, you didn't notice, in the anguish of waiting, never noticed you were waiting alone, that's the show, waiting alone, in the restless air, for it to begin, for something to begin, for there to be something else but you, for the power to rise, the courage to leave, you try and be reasonable, perhaps you are blind, probably deaf, the show is over, all is over, but where then is the hand, the helping hand, or merely charitable, or the hired hand, it's a long time coming, to take yours and draw you away, that's the show, free, gratis and for nothing, waiting alone, blind, deaf, you don't know where, you don't know for what, for a hand to come and draw you away, somewhere else, where perhaps it's worse.
L'Innommable Segment 2195, version 7 (Minuit 1971, p. 157)
J'aime mieux ça, je dois dire que j'aime mieux ça, quoi ça, oh vous savez, qui vous, ça doit être l'assistance, tiens, il y a une assistance, c'est un spectacle, on paie sa place et on attend, ou c'est peut-être gratuit, ça doit être gratuit, un spectacle gratuit, on attend que ça commence, quoi ça, le spectacle, on attend que le spectacle commence, le spectacle gratuit, ou c'est peut-être obligatoire, un spectacle obligatoire, on attend que ça commence, le spectacle obligatoire, c'est long, on entend une voix, c'est peut-être une récitation, c'est ça le spectacle, quelqu'un qui récite, des morceaux choisis, éprouvés, sûrs, une matinée poétique, ou qui improvise, on l'entend à peine, c'est ça le spectacle, on ne peut pas partir, on a peur de partir, ailleurs c'est peut-être pire, on s'arrange comme on peut, on se tient des raisonnements, on est venu trop tôt, ici il faudrait du latin, ça ne fait que commencer, ça n'a pas encore commencé, il ne fait que préluder, que se racler la gorge, seul dans sa loge, il va se montrer, il va commencer, ou c'est le régisseur, il donne ses instructions, ses dernières indications, le rideau va se lever, c'est ça le spectacle, attendre le spectacle, au son d'un murmure, on se raisonne, est-ce une voix après tout, c'est peut-être l'air, montant, descendant, s'étirant, tourbillonnant, cherchant une issue, parmi les obstacles, et où sont les autres spectateurs, on n'avait pas remarqué, dans l'étau de l'attente, qu'on est seul à attendre, c'est ça le spectacle, attendre seul, dans l'air inquiet, que ça commence, que quelque chose commence, qu'il y ait autre chose que soi, qu'on puisse s'en aller, qu'on n'ait plus peur, on se raisonne, on est peut-être aveugle, on est sans doute sourd, le spectacle a eu lieu, tout est fini, mais où est donc la main, la main amie, ou simplement pie, ou payée pour cela, elle est longue à venir, prendre la vôtre, vous mener dehors, c'est ça le spectacle, il ne coûte rien, attendre seul, aveugle, sourd, on ne sait pas où, on ne sait pas quoi, qu'une main vienne, vous tirer de là, vous mener ailleurs, où c'est peut-être pire.