Digital Manuscript ProjectMalone meurt / Malone Dies

[2647] it be she fears a change in the of weather? said the director.
[2648] xHe added, turning towards Lemuel, I am asking you a question.
[2649] The sky was cloudless, the air still.
[2650] Where is the beautiful young
man with the Messiah beard.?
[2651] But in that case would she not have
telephoned? said the director.
[2652] The waggonette.
[2653] Up on the box, beside the coachman, Lady
[2654] On one of the seats, set parallel to the wheels, Lemuel,
Macmann, the Sarxon and the giant.
[2657] On the other, facing them,
the youth, the thin one, one and two colossi dressed in sailor-
[2658] As they passed through the gates the children cheered.
[2659] A sudden descent, long and steep, sent them plunging towards the
[2660] Under the drag of the brakes the wheels slid more than they
rolled and the stumbling horses reared against the thrust.
[2661] Lady
Pedal clung to the box, her bust flung back.
[2662] She was a huge, big,
tall, fat woman.
[2663] Artificial daisies with brilliant yellow disks
gushed from her broad-brimmed straw hat.
[2664] At the same time behind
the heavily spotted fall-veil her plump red face appeared to
[2665] The passengers, yielding with unanimous inertia to
the tilt of the seats, sprawled pell-mell beneath the box.
[2666] Sit
back!! cried Lady Pedal? Pedal.
[2667] Nobody stirred.
[2668] What good would th
that do? said one of the sailors.
[2669] None, said the other.
[2670] Should
they not all get down, said Lady Pedal to the coachman, and walk?
[2672] When they were safely at the bottom of the hill at last Lady Pedal
turned affably to her guests.
[2673] Courage my hearties!! she said, to
show she was not superior.
[2674] The waggonette jolted on at with
- Segments
- Marginal Additions
Malone meurt / Malone Dies © 2017 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt