Digital Manuscript ProjectMalone meurt / Malone Dies

[0435] I have not been able to find out why Sapo was not expelled.
[0436] I shall have to leave this question open.
[0437] I try not to be glad.
[0438] I shall make haste to put a safe remove between him and this incom-
prehensible indulgence, I shall make him live as though he had been
punished according to his deserts.
[0439] We shall turn our backs on this
little cloud, but we shall not let it out of our sight.
[0440] It will
not cover the sky without our knowing, we shall not suddenly raise
our eyes, far from help, far from shelter, to a sky as black as
[0441] That is what I have decided.
[0442] I see no other solution.
[0443] It is
the best I can do.
[0444] At the age of fourteen he was a plump rosy boy.
[0445] His wrists and
ankles were thick, which made his mother say that one day he would
be evebn bigger than his father.
[0446] Curious deduction.
[0447] But the most
striking thing about him was his big round head horrid with flaxen
hair as stiff and straight as the bristles of a brush.
[0448] Even his
teachers could not help thinking he had a remarkable head and they
were all the more irked by their failure to get anything into it.
[0449] His father would say, when he was[₰] in good humour, One of these days
he will astonish us all.
[0450] It was thanks to Sapo's skull that he
was able enabled to hazard this opinion and, in defiance of the facts and
against his better judgement, to revert to it from time to time.
[0451] But he could not endure the look in Sapo's eyes and went out of
his way not to meet it.
[0452] He has your eyes, his wife would say.
[0453] Then Mr Saposcat chafed to be alone, in order to inspect his eyes
in the mirror.
[0454] They were palest blue.
[0455] Just a shade lighter, said
- Segments
- Marginal Additions
Malone meurt / Malone Dies © 2017 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt