Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Malone meurt / Malone Dies


Segment 1

[0218] varied, very varied. [0219] And all sorts of birds. [0220] They come and
perch on the window-sill, asking for food!!
[0221] It is touching.
[0222] They rap on the window-pane, with their beaks. [0223] I never give
them anything.
[0224] But they still come. [0225] What are they waiting
[0226] They are not vultures. [0227] Not only am I left here, but I
am looked after!!
[0228] This is how it is done now.

Segment 2

[0229] The door half
opens, a hand puts a dish on the little table left there for
that purpose, takes away the dish of the previous day, and the
door closes again.
[0230] This is done for me every day, at the same
time probably.
[0231] When I want to eat I hook the table with my
stick and draw it to me.
[0232] It is on castors, it comes squeaking and[][and]
ml[]lurching towards me.
[0233] When I need it no longer I send it back to
its place by the door.
[0234] It is soup.

Segment 3

[0235] They must know I am tooth-
[0236] I eat it one time out of two, out of three, on an average.
[0237] [] When my chamber-pot is full I put it on the table, beside the
[0238] Then I go twenty-four hours without a pot. [0239] No, I have two
poy poy pots.
[0240] They have thought of everything. [0241] I am naked in the
bed, in the blankets, whose number I increase and diminish as the
seasons come and go.
[0242] I am never hot, never cold. [0243] I don't wash,
but I don't get dirty.

Segment 4

[0244] If I get dirty somewhere I rub the part
with my beg finger wet with spittle.
[0245] What matters is to eat and excrete.
[0246] Dish and pot, dish and pot, these [] are the poles. [0247] In the beginning
it was different.
[0248] The woman came right into the room, bustled
about, enquired about my needs, my wants.

Segment 5

[0249] I succeeded in the
end in getting them into her head, my needs and my wants.
[0250] It
was not easy.
[0251] She did not understand. [0252] Until the day I found the
terms, the accents, that fitted her.
[0253] All that must be half
[0254] It was she who got me this long stick. [0255] It has a

Addition 1
Metamark 1
  • Segments
  • Marginal Additions
  • Metamarks