Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Malone meurt / Malone Dies
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Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 450


Malone meurt Segment 450, version 1 (MS-HRC-SB-7-2, f. 65r)

C'était la mère de Sapo qui C'était au crâne de Sapo qu'il devait d'avoir pu former cet opinion et de pouvoir s'y maintenir, contre vents et marées.

Malone meurt Segment 450, version 2 (Minuit 1951, p. 29)

C'était au crâne de Sapo qu'il devait d'avoir pu former cette opinion et de pouvoir s'y maintenir, contre vents et marées.

Malone Dies Segment 450, version 3 (MS-TCD-4662, f. 16v)

It was thanks to Sapo's skull owing to Sapo's skull that he was able to form this opinion It was to Sapo's skull that he was indebted for this opinion and for this possibilit judgement It was Sapo's skull that enabled him to form this judgement opinion and, against his better reason, to revert to it from time in defiance of the facts and against his better reason judgement to revert to it from time to time.

Malone Dies Segment 450, version 4 (MS-WU-MSS008-2-47, f. 17r)

It was thanks to Sapo's skull that he was able enabled [enabled] to hazard this opinion and, in defiance of the facts and against his better judgement, to revert to it from time to time.

Malone Dies Segment 450, version 5 (MS-HRC-SB-4-3, f. 17r)

It was thanks to Sapo's skull that he was able enabled to hazard this opinion and, in defiance of the facts and against his better judgement, to revert to it from time to time.

Malone Dies Segment 450, version 6 (MS-UoR-1227-7-11-1, f. 17r)

It was thanks to Sapo's skull that he was able enabled to hazard this opinion and, in defiance of the facts and against his better judgement, to revert to it from time to time.

Malone Dies Segment 450, version 7 (Grove Press 1956, p. 14)

It was thanks to Sapo's skull that he was enabled to hazard this opinion and, in defiance of the facts and against his better judgment, to revert to it from time to time.

Malone meurt Segment 450, version 8 (Minuit 1971, p. 26)

C'était au crâne de Sapo qu'il devait d'avoir pu former cette opinion et de pouvoir s'y maintenir, contre vents et marées.