Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Malone meurt / Malone Dies


Segment 1

[0446] Strange deduction. [0447] But the most striking
thing about him was for his his big round head
with covered with covered with fair hair as stiff
and bristling as the bristles of a brush.

Segment 2

[0448] Even
his masters could not help thinking that he had
an intelligent head and this made them
deplore all the more their failure to get anything
into it.
[0449] His father would say, when he
was in a good humour, One of these days he
will astonish us all.

Segment 3

[0450] It was thanks to Sapo's
skull owing to Sapo's skull that he was able
form this opinion It was to Sapo's skull that he
was indebted for this opinion and for this possib-
It was Sapo's skull that enabled
him to form this judgement opinion and, against his
better reason, to revert to it from time
in defiance
of the facts and against his better reason judgement to revert
to it from time to time.

Segment 4

[0451] But he could not not bear
the look in Sapo's eyes and was at pains not to
meet it.
[0452] He has your eyes, his wife would say.
[0453] Then Mr. Saposcat was impatient to be alone,
in order to inspect his eyes in the mirror.
[0454] These
were palest blue.
[0455] A shade lighter, said Mrs.

Segment 5

[0456] Sapo loved nature, took an interest was interested

Segment 6

[0457] This is dreadful awful.

Segment 7

[0458] Sapo loved nature, took an in was interested
in animals, plants and willingly raised
his eyes to the sky, day and night.
[0459] But
he did not know how to look at these
things, the looks he rained upon them taught
him nothing about them.

Segment 8

[0460] He confused
the birds with one another, and the trees,
and could not tell one cereal from
another cereal.
[0461] He did not associate
the crocus with the spring, nor the chrysan-
themum with Michaelmass.
[0462] The sun, the
moon, the planets and the stars, did

Doodle 2
Shape, Curl, Curved line
  • Segments
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