Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Malone meurt / Malone Dies
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Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 2013


Malone meurt Segment 2013, version 1 (MS-HRC-SB-7-4, f. 74r)

Macmann s'étant calmé un peu, elle lui dit que xxx ses vêtements n'existaient certainement plus et par conséquent ne pouvaient lui être rendus, et que pour ce qui était des objets que l'on en avait retirés, ils avaient été jugés sans valeur, à l'exce et bons seulement à jeter, à l'exception d'un porte-couteau en argent que l'on tenait à sa disposition.

Malone meurt Segment 2013, version 2 (Minuit 1951, p. 159)

Macmann s'étant calmé un peu elle lui dit que ses vêtements n'existaient certainement plus et par conséquent ne pouvaient lui être rendus, et que pour ce qui était des objets qui en avaient été retirés, ils avaient été jugés sans valeur aucune et bons tout au plus à jeter, à l'exception d'un petit porte-couteau en argent que l'on tenait à sa disposition.

Malone Dies Segment 2013, version 3 (MS-WU-MSS008-2-47, f. 115r)

When he was a little calmer she told him that his clothes had certainly ceased to exist and could not therefore be returned to him. With regard to the objects found in the pockets, they had been a assessed as quite worthless and fit only to be thrown away, with the exception of a little silver knife-rest which he could have back at any tilme.

Malone Dies Segment 2013, version 4 (MS-HRC-SB-4-3, f. 115r)

When he was a little calmer she told him that his clothes had certainly ceased to exist and could not therefore be returned to him. With regard to the objects found in the pockets, they had been a assessed as quite worthless and fit only to be thrown away, with the exception of a little silver knife-rest which he could have back at any tilme.

Malone Dies Segment 2013, version 5 (MS-UoR-1227-7-11-1, f. 115r)

When he was a little calmer she told him that his clothes had certainly ceased to exist and could not therefore be returned to him. With regard to the objects found in the pockets, they had been a assessed as quite worthless and fit only to be thrown away, with the exception of a little silver knife-rest which he could have back at any tilme.

Malone Dies Segment 2013, version 6 (Grove Press 1956, p. 87)

When he was a little calmer she told him that his clothes had certainly ceased to exist and could not therefore be returned to him. With regard to the objects found in the pockets, they had been assessed as quite worthless and fit only to be thrown away with the exception of a little silver knife-rest which he could have back at any time.

Malone meurt Segment 2013, version 7 (Minuit 1971, p. 140)

Macmann s'étant calmé un peu elle lui dit que ses vêtements n'existaient certainement plus et par conséquent ne pouvaient lui être rendus, et que pour ce qui était des objets qui en avaient été retirés, ils avaient été jugés sans valeur aucune et bons tout au plus à jeter, à l'exception d'un petit porte-couteau en argent que l'on tenait à sa disposition.