Digital Manuscript ProjectMalone meurt / Malone Dies

[2005] she stayed with him all the time?
[2006] Why no, and no doubt she had o
other attentions to bestow elsewhere, and other instructions to
[2007] But in the early stages, before he had grown used tpo this
new tide in his fortune, she assuredly left him alone as little
as possible and even watched over him part of the night.
[2008] How under-
standing she was, and how good-natured, appears from the following
[2009] One day, not long after his admission, Macmann realized
he was wearing, instead of his usual accoutrement, a long sloose
smock of coarse linen, or possibly drugget.
[2010] He at once began to
clamour loudly for his clothes, including probably the contents of
his pockets, for he cried, My things!! My things thins!!, over and over
again, tossing about in the bed and beating the blanket with his
[2013] When he was a little calmer she told him that his clothes had cer-
tainly ceased to exist and could not therefore be returned to him.
With regard to the objects found in the pockets, they had been a
assessed as quite worthless and fit only to be thrown away, with
the exception of a little silver knife-rest which he could have
back at any tilme.
[2014] But these declarations so distressed him that she
hastened to add, with a laugh, gthat she was only joking and that
in reality his clothes, cleaned, pressed, mended, strewn with moth-
balls and folding folded away in a cardboard box bearing his name
and number, were as safe as if they had been received in deposit
- Segments
- Marginal Additions
Malone meurt / Malone Dies © 2017 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt