Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project


Segment 1

[0635] sun and I take good care not to be. [0636] The a [place = overwritten] Aegean, thirsting for
heat and light, him I killed, he killed himself, early on, in me.

[0637] The pale gloom of rainy days are [place = supralinear] was better fitted to my taste, no,
that's not it, to my humour, no, that's not it either, I had neither
taste nor humour, I lost them early on.

Segment 2

[0638] Perhaps what I mean is
that the pale gloom etc., hid me better, without its being on
that account particularly pleasing to me.
[0639] Chameleon in spite of
himse [place = inline] [/]lf, there you have Molloy, viewed from a certain angle.
[0640] And
in winter, under my greatcoat, I wrapped myself in swathes of
news [place = supralinear] papers, and did not shed them until the earth awoke, for good,
in April.
[0641] [place = inline] [[]The Times Literary Supplement was admirably adapted
to this purpose, of a never-failing toughness and impermeability.

Segment 3

[0642] To break wind [place = margin left] [?] did not tear it. [0643] I can't help it, gas escapes from
my fundament on the least pretext, it's hard not to mention it
now and then, however, great my loathing.
[0644] One day I counted them.
[0645] Thre [place = supralinear] e hundred and fifteen break winds [place = margin left] [?] in nineteen hours, or an
average of over sixteen break winds an hour.
[0646] After all it's not
[place = margin left] [please check] excessive.
[0647] Four break winds every fifteen minutes. [0648] It's nothing [place = inline] .
[0649] Not even one break wind every four minutes. [0650] It's unbelievable.

Segment 4

[0651] Come, come, I hardly break wind at all, I should never have
mentioned it.
[0652] Extraordinary how mathematics help you to know
[0653] In any case this whole question of climate left me cold,
I could stomach any mess.

Segment 5

[0654] So I will only add that the mornings
were often sunny, in that part of the world [place = inline] , until ten o'clock or
coming up to eleven, and that then the sky was overcast and the
rain fell, fell till evening.
[0655] Then the sun came out and went down,
the drenched earth sparkled an instant, then went out, bereft of
light. [place = inline] []]
[0656] [place = inline] [[]There I am then back in the saddle, in my numbed heart

Addition 1
Addition 2
Addition 3
[please check]
Addition 4
  • Segments
  • Marginal Additions