Samuel Beckett
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Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 655


Molloy Segment 655, version 1 (MS-HRC-SB-4-6, f. 05r)

Puis le soleil sort, brille un instant et se couche. La terre trempée étincelle un instant, puis s'éteint, privée de lumière.

Molloy Segment 655, version 2 (Minuit 1951, p. 44)

Alors le soleil sortait et se couchait, la terre trempée étincelait un instant, puis s'éteignait, privée de lumière.

Molloy Segment 655, version 3 (Minuit 1953, p. 44)

Alors le soleil sortait et se couchait, la terre trempée étincelait un instant, puis s'éteignait, privée de lumière.

Molloy Segment 655, version 4 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-49, f. 34r)

Then the sun came out and went down, the drenched earth sparkled an instant, then went out, bereft of light.

Molloy Segment 655, version 5 (MS-BRML-NWWR-2-38, f. 20r)

Then the sun came out and went down, the drenched earth sparkled an instant, then went out, bereft of light.[]]

Molloy Segment 655, version 6 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-50-1, f. 34r)

Then the sun came out and went down, the drenched earth sparkled an instant, then went out, bereft of light.

Molloy Segment 655, version 7 (Olympia 1955, p. 40)

Then the sun came out and went down, the drenched earth sparkled an instant, then went out, bereft of light.

Molloy Segment 655, version 8 (Grove Press 1955, p. 40)

Then the sun came out and went down, the drenched earth sparkled an instant, then went out, bereft of light.

Molloy Segment 655, version 9 (Olympia and Grove Press 1959, p. 36)

Then the sun came out and went down, the drenched earth sparkled an instant, then went out, bereft of light.

Molloy Segment 655, version 10 (Minuit 1971, p. 47)

Alors le soleil sortait et se couchait, la terre trempée étincelait un instant, puis s'éteignait, privée de lumière.