[0631] as possible, and standing in the ditch I summoned to my aid the
good reasons I had to go for going there, without a moment's delay.
[0632] And
though there were many things I could do without thinking, not
knowing what I was going to do until it was done, and not even
then, going to my mother was not one of them.
[0633] My feet, you see,
never took me to my mother unless they received a definite order
to do so.
[0634] The glorious, the truly glorious weather would have
gladdened any other heart than mine.
[0635] But I have no reason to be
gladdened by the sun and I take good care not to be.
[0636] The Aegean,
thirsting for heat and light, him I killed, he killed himself,
early on, in me.
[0637] The pale gloom of rainy days was better fitted
to my taste, no, that's not the word it, to my humour, no, that's
not it either, I had neither taste nor humour, I lost them early
[0638] Perhaps what I mean is that the pale gloom etc., hid me
better, without its being on that account particularly pleasing
to me.
[0639] Chameleon in spite of himself, there you have Molloy,
viewed from a certain angle.
[0640] And in winter, under my greatcoat,
I wrapped myself in swathes of newspaper, and did not shed them
until the earth awoke, for good, in April.
[0641] The Times Literary
Supplement was admirably adapted to this purpose, of a never-
-failing toughness and impermeability.
[0642] Farts themselves did not
tear it.
[0643] I can't help it, gas escapes from my fundament on the
least pretext, it's hard not to mention it now and then, however
great my loathing.
[0644] One day I counted them.
[0645] Three hundred and
fifteen farts in nineteen hours, or an average of over sixteen
farts an hour.
[0646] After all it's not excessive.
[0647] Four farts every
fifteen minutes.
[0648] It's nothing.
[0649] Not even one fart every four
[0650] It's nothing It's unbelievable.
[0651] Come, come, I hardly
- Segments
Molloy © 2016 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Magessa O'Reilly, Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt