Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project


Segment 1

[0692] concerned whereas in reality she was setting the whole of nature at
nought, no less outrageously than myself with my insane demands for
more light.
[0693] But instead of grovelling in my turn, invoking my great
age and infirmities, I made things worse by making to run away.
[0694] I
was soon overtaken, by a bloodthirsty mob of both sexes and all ages,
for I caught a glimpse of white beards and little almost angelfaces,
and they were preparing to set about me when the lady intervened.

Segment 2

[0695] She said in effect, she told me so later on and I believed her,
Leave this poor old man alone.
[0696] He has killed Teddy, I grant you that,
Teddy whom I loved like my own child, but it is not so serious as it
seems, for as it happens I was taking him to the vet, to have him
put out of his pain.
[0697] For Teddy was old, blind, deaf, prostrated with
rheumatism and perpetually incontinent, night and day, both indoors
and out of doors.

Segment 3

[0698] Thanks then to this poor old man I have been
spared a painful task, not to mention the expense which I am ill able
to afford, having no other means []of support than the pension of my dear departed,
fallen in defence of a country that called itself his and from which
in his lifetime he never derived the smallest benefit, nothing but
insults and vexations.

Segment 4

[0699] The crowd was beginning to disperse, the
danger was past, but the lady in her stride.
[0700] You may say, she said,
that he did wrong to run away, that he should have explained, asked
to be forgiven.
[0701] Granted. [0702] But it is clear he has not all his wits
about him, that he is beside himself, for reasons of which we know
nothing and which might put us all to shame, if we did know them.

Segment 5

[0703] I even wonder if he knows what he has done. [0704] There issued such
tedium from this droning voice that I was making ready to move on
when the unavoidable police constable rose up before me.

  • Segments