[0312] confused them myself.
[0313] But that she should associate the four
knocks with anything but money was something to be avoided at
all costs.
[0314] During the period of training therefore, at the
same time as I administered the four knocks on her skull, I
stuck a bank-note under her nose or in her mouth.
[0315] In the innocence
of my heart!
[0316] For she seemed to have lost, if not absolutely all
notion of mensuration, at least the faculty of counting beyond
[0317] It was too far for her, yes, the distance was too great,
from one to four.
[0318] By the time she came to the fourth knock she
imagined she was only at the second, the first two having been
erased fo [place = overwritten] rom her memory as completely as if they had never been
felt, though I don't quite see how something never felt can be
erased from the memory, and yet it is a common occurrence.
[0319] She
must have thought I was saying no to her all the time, whereas
nothing was further from my purpose.
[0320] Enlightened by these
considerations I looked for and finally found a more effective
means of putting the iad idea of money into her head.
[0321] This
consisted in replacing the four knocks of my index-knuckle by
one or more (according to my needs) thumps of the fist, on her
[0322] That she understood.
[0323] In any case I didn't come for
[0324] I took her money, but I didn't come for that.
[0325] My mother.
I don't think too harshly of her.
[0326] I know she did all she could
not to have me, except of course the one thing, and if she never
succeeded in getting me unstuck, it was that fate had earmarked
me for less compassionate sewers.
- Segments
Molloy © 2016 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Magessa O'Reilly, Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt