[2438] Where are we going, papa? he said.
[2439] How often had I told him not to
ask me questions.
[2440] And where were we going, in point of fact.
[2441] Do as you're
told, I said.
[2442] I have an appointment with Mr. [₰] Py tomorrow, he said.
[2443] You'll
see him another day, I said.
[2444] But I have an ache, he said.
[2445] There exist
other dentists, I said, Mr. Py is not the unique dentist of the northern
[2446] I added rashly, wWe are not going to into the wilderness.
[2447] But he's
a very good dentist, he saieed.
[2448] All dentitsts are alike, I said.
[2449] I could
have told him to get to hell out of that with his dentist, but no, I
reasoned gently with him, I spoke with himsas with an equal.
[2450] I could
furthermore have pointed out to him that he was lying when he said he had
an ache.
[2451] He did have an ache, in a premolar bicuspid I believe, but it was over.
[2452] Py himself had told me so.
[2453] I have dressed the tooth, he said, your son
cannot possibly feel any more pain.
[2454] I remembered this conversation well.
[2455] He has naturally very bad teeth, said Py.
[2456] Naturally, I said, what do you
mean, naturally?
[2457] What are you insinuating?
[2458] He was born with bad teeth,
said Py, and all his life he will have bad teeth.
[2467] Go to the window and tell
me if it's still raining.
[2468] He went to the window ancd told me it was still
[2469] Is the sky completely overcast? I said.
[2470] Yes, he said.
[2471] Not the
least rift? I said.
[2472] No, he said.
[2473] Draw the curtains, I said.
[2474] Delicious
instants, before one's eyes get used to the dark.
[2475] Are you still there? I
- Segments
Molloy © 2016 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Magessa O'Reilly, Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt