[2929] where I put my legs.
[2930] Since your dinner is uneatable, I said, be good
enough to prepare [me] a packet of sandwiches, with the chicken you couldn't
[2931] My son came back at last.
[2932] That's all the thanks you get for
having a minute thermometer.
[2933] He handed it to me.
[2934] Did you have time to
wipe it? I said.
[2935] Seeing me asquint at the mercury he went to the door and
switched on the light.
[2936] How remote Youdi was at that instant. [2937] Sometimes
in the winter, coming home harassed and weary after a day[']soof fruitless
errands, I would find my slippers warming in front of the fire, the uppers
turned to the flame.
[2938] He had a temperature.
[2939] There's nothing wrong with
you, I said.
[2940] May I go up? he said.
[2941] What for? I said.
[2942] To lie down, he
[2943] Was not this the desired [⁁]providential hindrance for which I could not be held
[2944] Doubtless, but I did not [⁁]would never dare invoke it.
[2945] I was not going to
expose myself to thunderbolts which might be fatal, simply because my son
had the gripes.
[2946] If he fell seriously ill on the way, it would be another
[2947] It was not for nothing I had studied the old testament.
[2948] Hagve you
shat, my child, I said gently.
[2949] I've tried, he said.
[2950] Do you want to, I
[2951] Yes, he said.
[2952] But nothing comes, I said.
[2953] No, he said.
[2954] A little
wind, I said.
[2955] Yes, he said.
[2956] Suddenly I remembered Father Ambrose's cigar.
[2957] I lit it.
[2958] We'll see what we can do, I said, getting up.
[2959] We went upstairs.
[2960] I gave him an enema, with salt water.
[2961] He struggled, but not for long.
[2962] I
withdrew the nozzele.
[2963] Try and hold it, I said, don't stay sitting on the
pot, lie flat on your stomach.
[2964] We were in the bathroom.
[2965] He lay down on
the tiles, his big fat bottom sticking up.
[2966] Let it soak well in, I said.
[2967] What a day.
[2968] I looked at the ash on my cigar.
[2969] It was firm and blue. [2970] I
sat down on the edge of the bath.
[2971] The porcelain, the mirrors, the
chromium, instilled a great peace within me.
[2972] At least I suppose it was
[2973] It wasn't a great peace in any case.
[2974] I got up, laid down my cigar
and brushed my incisors.
[2975] I also brushed the back gums.
[2976] I looked at myself,
- Segments
Molloy © 2016 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Magessa O'Reilly, Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt