[4434] licked his finger, turned over the pages till he came to the right page,
raised it towards his eyes which at the same time he lowered towards it.
[4435] I can see nothing, he said.
[4436] He was dressed as when I had last seen him.
[4437] My strictures on his Sunday clothes had therefore been unjustified.
[4438] Unless it was Sunday again.
[4439] But had I not always seen him dressed in
this way?
[4440] Would you have a match? he said. [4441] I did not recotgnize this
far-off voice.
[4442] Or a torch, he said.
[4443] He must have seen from my face that
I possessed nothing of a luminous nature.
[4444] He took a small electric torch
from his pocket and shone it on his page.
[4445] He read, Moran, Jacques, home,
[4446] He put out his torch, closed his notebook on his finger and
looked at me.
[4447] I can't walk, I said.
[4448] What? he said. [4449] I'm sick, I can't
move, I said.
[4450] I can't hear a word you say, yhe said.
[4451] I cried to him that
I could not move, that I was sick, that I should have to be carried, that
my son had abandoned me, that I could stand [⁁]bear no more.
[4452] He examined me
laboriously from head to foot.
[4453] I executed a few steps leaning on my
umbrella to prove to him I could not walk.
[4459] Do I recognize you? he said.
[4460] He reflected. [4461] I knew what he was
doing, he was searching for the phrase most apt to wound me.
[4462] There was Ah Moran, he
never the like of Moran, he said. said, what a man!
[4463] I was stqaggering with weakness.
[4464] If
I had dropped dead at his feet he would have said, Ah poor old Moran,
that's him all over.
[4465] It was getting darker and darker.
[4466] I wondered if
- Segments
Molloy © 2016 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Magessa O'Reilly, Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt