[4466] it was really Gaber.
[4467] Is he angry? I said.
[4468] You wouldn't have a sup of
beer by any chance, he said.
[4469] I'm asking you if he is angry, I cried.
[4470] Angry, said Gaber, don't make me laugh, he keeps rubbing his hands from
morning to night, I can hear them in the outer room.
[4471] That means nothing,
I said.
[4472] And chuckling to himself, said Gaber.
[4473] He must be angry with me,
I said.
[4474] Do you know what he told me the other day? said Gaber. [4475] Has he
changed? I cried.
[4478] Changed, said Gaber, no he hasn't changed, why would
he have changed, he's getting old, that's all, like the world.
[4479] You have
a queer voice this evening, I said.
[4480] I do not think he heard me.
[4481] Well,
he said, drawing his hands once more over his chest, downwards, I'll be
going, if that's all you have to offer me.
[4482] He went, without saying
[4483] But I overtook him, in spite of my loathing for him, in spite
of my weakness and my sick leg, and held him back by the sleeve.
[4484] What
did he tell you? I said.
[4485] He stopped.
[4486] Moran, he said, you are beginning
to give me a serious pain in the arse.
[4487] For pity's sake, I said, tell me
what he told you.
[4488] He gave me a shove.
[4489] I fell. [4490] He had not intended to
make me fall, he did not realize the state I was in, he had only wanted
to push me away.
[4491] I did not try to get up.
[4492] I let a roar.
[4493] He came and
bent over me.
[4494] He had a walrus moustache, chestnut in colour.
[4495] I saw it
lift, the lips open, and almost at the same time I heard words of
sollicitude , at a great distance.
[4496] He was not brutal, Gaber, I knew him
[4497] Gaber, I said, it's not much I'm asking you. [4498] I remember this
scene well.
[4499] He wanted to help me up.
[4500] I pushed him away.
[4501] I was all right
where I was.
[4502] What did he tell you? I said.
[4503] I don't understand, said
[4504] You were saying a minute ago that he had told you something,
I said, then I cut you short. [4505] Short? said Gaber.
[4506] Do you know what he
told me the other day, I said, those were your very words.
[4507] His face lit
[4508] The clod was just about as quick as my son.
[4509] He said to me, said
- Segments
Molloy © 2016 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Magessa O'Reilly, Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt