Samuel Beckett
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Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 432


Molloy Segment 432, version 1 (MS-HRC-SB-4-5, f. 51r)

Et le tort que j'ai, c'est qu'au lieu de réfléchir tranquillement à ce que je viens d'entendre, et que j'entends parfaitement bien, ayant l'ouie assez fine, malgré mon âge avancé, je me dépêche de dire n'importe quoi, de crainte probablement que mon silence ne porte à son comble la colère de mon interlocuteur.

Molloy Segment 432, version 2 (Minuit 1951, p. 30)

Et le tort que j'ai, c'est qu'au lieu de réfléchir tranquillement à ce que je viens d'entendre, et que j'entends parfaitement bien, ayant l'ouïe assez fine, malgré sa vétusté, je me dépêche de répondre n'importe quoi, de crainte probablement que mon silence ne porte à son comble la colère de mon interlocuteur.

Molloy Segment 432, version 3 (Minuit 1953, p. 30)

Et le tort que j'ai, c'est qu'au lieu de réfléchir tranquillement à ce que je viens d'entendre, et que j'entends parfaitement bien, ayant l'ouïe assez fine, malgré sa vétusté, je me dépêche de répondre n'importe quoi, de crainte probablement que mon silence ne porte à son comble la colère de mon interlocuteur.

Molloy Segment 432, version 4 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-49, f. 22r)

And the mistake I amake then is this, that instead of quietly reflecting on what I have just heard, and heard distinctly, not being hard of hearing, in spite of all I have heard, I hasten to answer blindly, fearing perhaps lest my silence raise their anger to fury.

Molloy Segment 432, version 5 (Merlin 1953, p. 99)

And the mistake I make then is this, that instead of quietly reflecting on what I have just heard, and heard distinctly, not being hard of hearing, in spite of all I have heard, I hasten to answer blindly, fearing perhaps lest my silence raise their anger to fury.

Molloy Segment 432, version 6 (MS-BRML-NWWR-2-38, f. 09r)

And the mistake I make then is this, that instead of quietly reflecting on what I have just heard, and heard distinctly, not being hard [|=|] of [|=|] hearing, in spite of all I have heard, I hasten to answer blindly, fearing perhaps lest my silence raise their anger to fury.

Molloy Segment 432, version 7 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-50-1, f. 22r)

And the mistake I make then is this, that instead of quietly reflecting on what I have just heard, and heard distinctly, not being hard of hearing, in spite of all I have heard, I hasten to answer blindly, fearing perhaps lest my silence fan their anger to fury.

Molloy Segment 432, version 8 (Olympia 1955, p. 27)

And the mistake I make then is this, that instead of quietly reflecting on what I have just heard, and heard distinctly, not being hard of hearing, in spite of all I have heard, I hasten to answer blindly, fearing perhaps lest my silence fan their anger to fury.

Molloy Segment 432, version 9 (Grove Press 1955, p. 27)

And the mistake I make then is this, that instead of quietly reflecting on what I have just heard, and heard distinctly, not being hard of hearing, in spite of all I have heard, I hasten to answer blindly, fearing perhaps lest my silence fan their anger to fury.

Molloy Segment 432, version 10 (Olympia and Grove Press 1959, p. 24)

And the mistake I make then is this, that instead of quietly reflecting on what I have just heard, and heard distinctly, not being hard of hearing, in spite of all I have heard, I hasten to answer blindly, fearing perhaps lest my silence fan their anger to fury.

Molloy Segment 432, version 11 (Minuit 1971, p. 32)

Et le tort que j'ai, c'est qu'au lieu de réfléchir tranquillement à ce que je viens d'entendre, et que j'entends parfaitement bien, ayant l'ouïe assez fine, malgré sa vétusté, je me dépêche de répondre n'importe quoi, de crainte probablement que mon silence ne porte à son comble la colère de mon interlocuteur.