Samuel Beckett
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Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 444


Molloy Segment 444, version 1 (MS-HRC-SB-4-5, f. 54r)

Dans Le silence qui suivit ces aimables paroles je regardai par la fenêtre j'en profitai pour regarder par me tourner vers la fenêtre, sans rien voir vraiment, car j'avais fermé les yeux, offrant seulement à cette douceur de bleu et d'or le visage et la gorge, et l'esprit vide aussi, ou presque. Car je devais me demander, tel que je me connais, si je n'avais pas envie de m'asseoir, après un si long temps debout, et me rappeler, à ce propos, ce que je m'étais promis j'avais appris, à ce sujet, à savoir que la position assise n'était pas pour, à cause de ma jambe courte et raide, qu'il n'y avait que deux positions pour moi, la verticale, affalé affalé entre mes béquilles couché debout,, et l'allongée, par terre.

Molloy Segment 444, version 2 (Minuit 1951, p. 31)

Le silence qui suivit ces aimables paroles, je l'employai à me tourner vers la fenêtre, sans rien voir vraiment, car j'avais fermé les yeux, offrant seulement à cette douceur de bleu et d'or le visage et la gorge, et l'esprit vide aussi, ou presque, car je devais me demander si je n'avais pas envie de m'asseoir, après un si long temps debout, et me rappeler ce que j'avais appris à ce sujet, savoir que la position assise n'était plus pour moi, à cause de ma jambe courte et raide, qu'il n'y avait que deux positions pour moi, la verticale, affalé entre mes béquilles, couché debout, et l'horizontale, par terre.

Molloy Segment 444, version 3 (Minuit 1953, p. 31)

Le silence qui suivit ces aimables paroles, je l'employai à me tourner vers la fenêtre, sans rien voir vraiment, car j'avais fermé les yeux, offrant seulement à cette douceur de bleu et d'or le visage et la gorge, et l'esprit vide aussi, ou presque, car je devais me demander si je n'avais pas envie de m'asseoir, après un si long temps debout, et me rappeler ce que j'avais appris à ce sujet, savoir que la position assise n'était plus pour moi, à cause de ma jambe courte et raide, qu'il n'y avait que deux positions pour moi, la verticale, affalé entre mes béquilles, couché debout, et l'horizontale, par terre.

Molloy Segment 444, version 4 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-49, f. 23r)

I took advantage of the silence which followed these kind words to turn towards the window, blindly or nearly, for I had closed my eyes, proffering to that blandness of blue and gold my face and neck alone, and my mind empty too, or nearly, for I must have been wondering if I did not feel like sitting down, after such a long time standing, and remembering what I had learnt in that connection, namely that the sitting posture was not for me any more, because of my short stiff leg, and that there were only two postures for me, the vertical, drooping between my crutches, sleeping on my feet, and the horixzontal, down on the ground.

Molloy Segment 444, version 5 (Merlin 1953, p. 100)

I took advantage of the silence which followed these kind words to turn towards the window, blindly or nearly, for I had closed my eyes, proffering to that blandness of blue and gold my face and neck alone, and my mind empty too, or nearly, for I must have been wondering if I did not feel like sitting down, after such a long time standing, and remembering what I had learnt in that connection, namely that the sitting posture was not for me any more, because of my short stiff leg, and that there were only two postures for me, the vertical, drooping between my crutches, sleeping on my feet, and the horizontal, down on the ground.

Molloy Segment 444, version 6 (MS-BRML-NWWR-2-38, f. 10r)

I took advantage of the silence which followed these kind words to turn towards[] the window, blindly or nearly so, for I had closed my eyes, proffering to that blandness of blue and gold my face and neck alone, and my mind empty, too, or nearly, for I must have benen wondering if I did not feel like sitting down, after such a long time standing, and remembering what I had learnt in that connection, namely that the sitting posture was not for me any more, because of my short, stiff leg, and that there were only two postures for me, the vertical, drooping between my crutches, sleeping on my feet, and the horizontal, down on the ground.

Molloy Segment 444, version 7 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-50-1, f. 23r)

I took advantage of the silence which followed these kind words to turn towards the window, blindly or nearly, for I had closed my eyes, proffering to that blandness of blue and gold my face and neck alone, and my mind empty too, or nearly, for I must have been wondering if I did not feel like sitting down, after such a long time standing, and remembering what I had learnt in that connexion, namely that the sitting posture was not for me any more, because of my short stiff lef leg, and that there were only two postures for me any more, the vertical, drop drooping between my crutches, sleeping on my feet, and the horizontal, down on the ground.

Molloy Segment 444, version 8 (Olympia 1955, p. 28)

I took advantage of the silence which followed these kind words to turn towards the window, blindly or nearly, for I had closed my eyes, proffering to that blandness of blue and gold my face and neck alone, and my mind empty too, or nearly, for I must have been wondering if I did not feel like sitting down, after such a long time standing, and remembering what I had learnt in that connexion namely that the sitting posture was not for me any more, because of my short stiff leg, and that there were only two postures for me any more, the vertical, drooping between my crutches, sleeping on my feet, and the horizontal, down on the ground.

Molloy Segment 444, version 9 (Grove Press 1955, p. 28)

I took advantage of the silence which followed these kind words to turn towards the window, blindly or nearly, for I had closed my eyes, proffering to that blandness of blue and gold my face and neck alone, and my mind empty too, or nearly, for I must have been wondering if I did not feel like sitting down, after such a long time standing, and remembering what I had learnt in that connexion, namely that the sitting posture was not for me any more, because of my short stiff leg, and that there were only two postures for me any more, the vertical, drooping between my crutches, sleeping on my feet, and the horizontal, down on the ground.

Molloy Segment 444, version 10 (Olympia and Grove Press 1959, p. 25)

I took advantage of the silence which followed these kind words to turn towards the window, blindly or nearly, for I had closed my eyes, proffering to that blandness of blue and gold my face and neck alone, and my mind empty too, or nearly, for I must have been wondering if I did not feel like sitting down, after such a long time standing, and remembering what I had learnt in that connexion, namely that the sitting posture was not for me any more, because of my short stiff leg, and that there were only two postures for me any more, the vertical, drooping between my crutches, sleeping on my feet, and the horizontal, down on the ground.

Molloy Segment 444, version 11 (Minuit 1971, p. 33)

Le silence qui suivit ces aimables paroles, je l'employai à me tourner vers la fenêtre, sans rien voir vraiment, car j'avais fermé les yeux, offrant seulement à cette douceur de bleu et d'or le visage et la gorge, et l'esprit vide aussi, ou presque, car je devais me demander si je n'avais pas envie de m'asseoir, après un si long temps debout, et me rappeler ce que j'avais appris à ce sujet, savoir que la position assise n'était plus pour moi, à cause de ma jambe courte et raide, qu'il n'y avait que deux positions pour moi, la verticale, affalé entre mes béquilles, couché debout, et l'horizontale, par terre.