Samuel Beckett
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Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 528


Molloy Segment 528, version 1 (MS-HRC-SB-4-5, f. 65r)

D'ailleurs de cette vie-là aussi j'aurais peut-être un jour la bonté de vous entretenir, un jour, le jour que je jugerai saurai qu'en jugeant croyant juger savoir je ne faisais qu'exister et que la passion sans forme ni stations m'aura mangé jusqu'aux chairs putrides, et qu'en sachant cela je ne sais rien, je ne fais que crier, comme je n'ai jamais fait que crier, plus ou moins fort, plus ou moins honnêtement franchement.

Molloy Segment 528, version 2 (Minuit 1951, p. 36)

D'ailleurs de cette vie-là aussi j'aurai peut-être la bonté de vous entretenir un jour, le jour où je saurai qu'en croyant savoir je ne faisais qu'exister et que la passion sans forme ni stations m'aura mangé jusqu'aux chairs putrides et qu'en sachant cela je ne sais rien, que je ne fais que crier comme je n'ai fait que crier, plus ou moins fort, plus ou moins ouvertement.

Molloy Segment 528, version 3 (Minuit 1953, p. 36)

D'ailleurs de cette vie-là aussi j'aurai peut-être la bonté de vous entretenir un jour, le jour où je saurai qu'en croyant savoir je ne faisais qu'exister et que la passion sans forme ni stations m'aura mangé jusqu'aux chairs putrides et qu'en sachant cela je ne sais rien, que je ne fais que crier comme je n'ai fait que crier, plus ou moins fort, plus ou moins ouvertement.

Molloy Segment 528, version 4 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-49, f. 27r)

And of that life too I shall tell you perhaps one day, the day when I know that when I thought I knew I was merely existing, and that passion without form or stations will have devoured me down to the rotting flesh itself, and that when I know that I know nothing, that I am merely only crying out as I have always cried out, more or less piercingly, more or less openly.

Molloy Segment 528, version 5 (Merlin 1953, p. 102)

And of that life too I shall tell you perhaps one day, the day when I know that when I thought I knew I was merely existing, and that passion without form or stations will have devoured me down to the rotting flesh itself, and that when I know that I know nothing, I am only crying out as I have always cried out, more or less piercingly, more or less openly.

Molloy Segment 528, version 6 (MS-BRML-NWWR-2-38, f. 14r)

And of that life, too, I shall tell you perhaps one day, the day when I know that when I thought I knew I was merely existing, and that passion without form or stations will have devoured me down to the rotting flesh itself, and that when I know that I know nothing, I am only crying out as I have always cried out, more or less piercingly, more or less openly.

Molloy Segment 528, version 7 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-50-1, f. 27r)

And of that life too I shall tell you perhaps one day, the day I know that when I thought I knew I was merely existing and that passion without form or stations will have devoured me down to the rotting flesh itself and that when I know that I know nothing, I am only crying out as I have always cried out, more or less piercingly, more or less openly.

Molloy Segment 528, version 8 (Olympia 1955, p. 33)

And of that life too I shall tell you perhaps one day, the day I know that when I thought I knew I was merely existing and that passion without form or stations will have devoured me down to the rotting flesh itself and that when I know that I know nothing, am only crying out as I have always cried out, more or less piercingly, more or less openly.

Molloy Segment 528, version 9 (Grove Press 1955, p. 33)

And of that life too I shall tell you perhaps one day, the day I know that when I thought I knew I was merely existing and that passion without form or stations will have devoured me down to the rotting flesh itself and that when I know that I know nothing, am only crying out as I have always cried out, more or less piercingly, more or less openly.

Molloy Segment 528, version 10 (Olympia and Grove Press 1959, p. 29)

And of that life too I shall tell you perhaps one day, the day I know that when I thought I knew I was merely existing and that passion without form or stations will have devoured me down to the rotting flesh itself and that when I know that I know nothing, am only crying out as I have always cried out, more or less piercingly, more or less openly.

Molloy Segment 528, version 11 (Minuit 1971, p. 39)

D'ailleurs de cette vie-là aussi j'aurai peut-être la bonté de vous entretenir un jour, le jour où je saurai qu'en croyant savoir je ne faisais qu'exister et que la passion sans forme ni stations m'aura mangé jusqu'aux chairs putrides et qu'en sachant cela je ne sais rien, que je ne fais que crier comme je n'ai fait que crier, plus ou moins fort, plus ou moins ouvertement.