Samuel Beckett
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Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 698


Molloy Segment 698, version 1 (MS-HRC-SB-4-6, f. 10r)

Ce monis monsieur m'a donc évité une course des plus pénibles, sans parler d'une dépense que je suis mal en état de faire, ayant pour seule ressource la pension de guerre de mon défunt mari, mort pour une une patrie qui se disait la sienne et dont de son vivant il ne retira jamais le moindre avantage, mais seulement des affronts et des batons dans les roues.

Molloy Segment 698, version 2 (Minuit 1951, p. 48)

Ce pauvre vieillard m'a donc évité une course pénible, sans parler d'une dépense que je suis mal en état de supporter, ayant pour seule ressource la pension de guerre de mon cher défunt, mort pour une patrie qui se disait la sienne et dont de son vivant il ne retira jamais le moindre avantage, mais seulement des affronts et des bâtons dans les roues.

Molloy Segment 698, version 3 (Minuit 1953, p. 48)

Ce pauvre vieillard m'a donc évité une course pénible, sans parler d'une dépense que je suis mal en état de supporter, ayant pour seule ressource la pension de guerre de mon cher défunt, mort pour une patrie qui se disait la sienne et dont de son vivant il ne retira jamais le moindre avantage, mais seulement des affronts et des bâtons dans les roues.

Molloy Segment 698, version 4 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-49, f. 37r)

Thanks then to this poor old man I have been saved spared a painful task, not to mention the expense which I am ill able to afford, having no other means []of support than the pension of my dear departed, fallen in defence of a country that called itself his and from which in his lifetime he never derived the smallest bnenefit, nothing but insults and vexations.

Molloy Segment 698, version 5 (MS-BRML-NWWR-2-38, f. 23r)

Thanks then to this poor old man I have been spared a painful task, not to mention the expense which I am ill able to afford, having no other means of support than the pension of my dear departed, fallen in defencse of a country that called itself his and from which in his lifetime he never derived the smallest benefit, nothing but insults and vexations.

Molloy Segment 698, version 6 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-50-1, f. 37r)

Thanks then to this poor old man I have been saved []spared a painful task, not to mention the expense which I am ill able to afford, having no other means []of support than the pension of my dear departed, fallen in defence of a country that called itself his and from which in his lifetime he never derived the smallest bnenefit, nothing but only insults and vexations.

Molloy Segment 698, version 7 (Olympia 1955, p. 43)

Thanks then to this poor old man I have been spared a painful task, not to mention the expense which I am ill able to afford, having no other means of support than the pension of my dear departed, fallen in defence of a country that called itself his and from which in his lifetime he never derived the smallest benefit, but only insults and vexations.

Molloy Segment 698, version 8 (Grove Press 1955, p. 43)

Thanks then to this poor old man I have been spared a painful task, not to mention the expense which I am ill able to afford, having no other means of support than the pension of my dear departed, fallen in defence of a country that called itself his and from which in his lifetime he never derived the smallest benefit, but only insults and vexations.

Molloy Segment 698, version 9 (Olympia and Grove Press 1959, p. 39)

Thanks then to this poor old man I have been spared a painful task, not to mention the expense which I am ill able to afford, having no other means of support than the pension of my dear departed, fallen in defense of a country that called itself his and from which in his lifetime he never derived the smallest benefit, but only insults and vexations.

Molloy Segment 698, version 10 (Minuit 1971, p. 51)

Ce pauvre vieillard m'a donc évité une course pénible, sans parler d'une dépense que je suis mal en état de supporter, ayant pour seule ressource la pension de guerre de mon cher défunt, mort pour une patrie qui se disait la sienne et dont de son vivant il ne retira jamais le moindre avantage, mais seulement des affronts et des bâtons dans les roues.