Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 1341
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Molloy Segment 1341, version 1 (MS-HRC-SB-4-6, f. 68r)
ce qui me permit de me dire reprendre mon chemin, en me disant, Je vais vers le soleil, c’est à dire , en principe, vers l'est, ou peut-être vers le sud-est, car je ne suis
plus chez Lousse, mais
en plein à nouveau en plein dans
l'harmonie préétablie, qui fait une si douce musique, pour qui sait l'entendre.
Molloy Segment 1341, version 2 (Minuit 1951, p. 94)
Ce qui me permit de reprendre mon chemin, en me disant, Je vais vers le soleil, c'est-à-dire en principe vers l'est, ou peut-être le sud-est, car je ne suis plus chez Lousse, mais à nouveau en plein dans l'harmonie préétablie, qui fait une si douce musique, qui est une si douce musique, pour qui sait l'entendre.
Molloy Segment 1341, version 3 (Minuit 1953, p. 94)
Ce qui me permit de reprendre mon chemin, en me disant, Je vais vers le soleil, c'est-à-dire en principe vers l'est, ou peut-être le sud-est, car je ne suis plus chez Lousse, mais à nouveau en plein dans l'harmonie préétablie, qui fait une si douce musique, qui est une si douce musique, pour qui sait l'entendre.

Molloy Segment 1341, version 4 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-49, f. 73r)
So I was able to continue on my way, saying, I am going towards the sun, that is to say in theory towards the East, or perhaps the South-East, for I am no longer with Lousse, but out in the heart again of this pre-established harmony, which makes so sweet a music, which is so sweet a music, for him who has ears to hear.

Molloy Segment 1341, version 5 (MS-WU-MSS008-3-50-1, f. 73r)
So I was able to continue on my way, saying, I am going towards the sun, that is to say in theory towards the East, or perhaps the South-East, for I am no longer with Lousse, but out in the heart again of this [⁁]the pre-established harmony, which makes so sweet a music, which is so sweet a music, for him [⁁]one who has ears to hear. [⁁]an ear for music.
Molloy Segment 1341, version 6 (Olympia 1955, p. 83)
So I was able to continue on my way, saying, I am going towards the sun, that is to say in theory towards the East, or perhaps the South-East, for I am no longer with Lousse, but out in the heart again of the pre-established harmony, which makes so sweet a music, which is so sweet a music, for one who has an ear for music.
Molloy Segment 1341, version 7 (Grove Press 1955, p. 83)
So I was able to continue on my way, saying, I am going towards the sun, that is to say in theory towards the East, or perhaps the South-East, for I am no longer with Lousse, but out in the heart again of the pre-established harmony, which makes so sweet a music, which is so sweet a music, for one who has an ear for music.
Molloy Segment 1341, version 8 (Olympia and Grove Press 1959, p. 80)
So I was able to continue on my way, saying, I am going towards the sun, that is to say in theory towards the East, or perhaps the South-East, for I am no longer with Lousse, but out in the heart again of the pre-established harmony, which makes so sweet a music, which is so sweet a music, for one who has an ear for music.
Molloy Segment 1341, version 9 (Minuit 1971, p. 101)
Si bien que je pus reprendre mon chemin, en me disant, Je vais vers le soleil, c'est-à-dire en principe vers l'est, ou peut-être le sud-est, car je ne suis plus chez Lousse, mais à nouveau en plein dans l'harmonie préétablie, qui fait une si douce musique, qui est une si douce musique, pour qui sait l'entendre.