Digital Manuscript ProjectThat Time / Cette fois

[0055] away out to hell out of it
& never come back
[not a xxx xxx the xxx xxx xxxxing xxx
the xxx xxx xxx xxx
xxx xxx]
not a curse for the old ruin
you lived in so long, the people
stopping to look at you like
something out of
[0046] the wall had fallen down,
reading Froggy's little brother or
making up talk, dividing yourself
in two or more [then] some moods and
talking to yourself that way, well
[on] into the night some moods till
they'd all be out on the roads looking
for you, [0049] eleven or 12 sitting in the ruin on the
[0049] flat stone in the dark or the moonlight
talking to yourself [a']muttering away
now with the one voice now with the
other, till sitting there on the step
in the sun you found yourself at it
again, not a curse for the people
stopping as they went by to look at the
[0049] [fogey] old codger sitting there in the sun
where he had no right with his eyes closed and with the [grip] on
his knees drooling away out loud
and the white hair pouring down, [from]
out from under his hat, sat there
[forgetting it] in the morning sun for-
getting it all [0052] making it up as [he] you
went, making himself yourself all up again out loud
[0052] for the millionth time as you went
along, forgetting it all what you
were there for Maguire's Folly and the
lot, till it [x] was dark and time to get
up and down to the boat, [0055] straight down
to the [xxx] pier with the grip in your hand the old green [motor]
coat your father gave you trailing
[0055] the ground & the white hair [pouring pouring out from under the hat,
[not a thoug] straight on down neither right nor left [not] another thought in your
mind only get on the boat and away
out to hell out of it and never come
[0055] back, or was that another time, was
all that another time, was there ever
any other time [than] that, away
out to hell out of it and never come
[0041] what in god's name year was that
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- Titles
That Time / Cette fois © 2022 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: James Little and Vincent Neyt