Digital Manuscript ProjectThat Time / Cette fois

[0035] foot it up to the station bowed half double and get out [0038] gave
to it that way closed down Doric terminus of the Great
Southern and Eastern all closed down and the colonnade
falling to bits so what nextit it up ythen gave it up then and sat down on the steps in the morning
sun no no sun those steps got no wsun in the morning (facing west
they must have been northwest)
[0038] somewhere else then gacve up and went away somewhere else
and sat down on a step in the sun a dororstep very likely say a doorstep
till it was time to get on the evening boat no need to
stay the night anywhere
[0038] the old ruins you lived in [once] so long not a curse for the old scenes you lived in so long nor and
the people stopping to look at you like something otut
of Beckett [0041] sitting there on the step in the sun with the bag
on your neknees not knowing where you were little by little not
knowing where you were or what for
[0041] place might have been uninhabited for all you knew or cared [0046] reading your book or making up talk dividing splitting yourself up
so much the better like when you sat on the stone [0046] in the ruin in the middle of
the nettles with the sun coming in where the wall had fallen
into two or more and talking to yourself that way well
on into the night some moods till they'd all be out on the
roads looking for you
[0049] eleven or twelve sitting in the ruin on the flat stone
in the middle of the nettles in the dark or moonlight
muttering away now the one voice now the other there was
childhood for you
[0049] till sitting there in the sun on the step you found your-
self at it again not a curse for the people stopping as they
went by to titter at the old ruin sitting there in the sun
where he had no right with the bag on his knees drooling
away out loud and the white hair pouring down out from
under the hat
[0049] sat on there in the morning sun forgetting it all [0052] making it [0052] forgetting it all what you were there for Maguire's
up as you went along making yourself all up again for the
millionth time as you went along GFolly
and the lot till it was dark and time to get up and down
to the boat [0055] straight down to the pier with the bag in your
hand and the old green coat your father left you trailing
the griound
[0055] on down neither right nor left not another thought in your
head only get on the boat and away out to hell out of it
and never come back or was that another time was all that
another time was there ever any other time but that away
out to hell out of it all and never come back
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- Titles
That Time / Cette fois © 2022 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: James Little and Vincent Neyt