Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
That Time / Cette fois


Segment 1


[0053] in the Library Reading Room that was another time that time you
slipped into the Public Library in off the street
out of the cold and wet rain when no one was looking what
was it then you were never the same after never again
after something to do with dust something the dust said
sitting at the big round table with a bevy of old ones
poring on the page and not a sound

Segment 2


[0051] the glider passing over the same never any change same
blue skies nothing ever changed but she with you there or not
on your right hand always the right hand on the cfringe
of the field and every now and again in the great peace
like a whisper so faint she loved you hard to believe
you even you ever made up that bit till the time came
in the end

Segment 3


[0055] back down to the wharf with the nightbag and the old
green greatcoat your father left you trailing the ground
and the white hair pouring out down from under the hat till
that time came on down neither right nor left not a thought
in your head only [thxxxxt] get back on board and away to heell o
hell out of it and never come back or was that another
time all that another time was there ever any other time
but that away to hell out of it all and never come back

Segment 4


[0054] that time in the enxd when you tried and couldn't sitting
by the window in the dark and the owl flown to hoot at
someone else or back with a shrew to its hollow treet and not another sound hour after hour not a sound
when you tried and tried and couldn't any more no words
left to keep it out so gave up there by the window in
the dark or moonlight and not a sound not another sound
gave up for good and let it in and nothing the worse
a great shroud billowing in on top of you and little or
nothing the worse little or nothing

Segment 5


[0056] only the old breath and the leaves turning and then this
dust whole place suddenly full of dust when you opened
your eyes nothing to be seen from floor to ceiling only
dust and not a sound only what was it it said come and
gone was that it something like that something to that
effect come and gone come and gone no one come and gone
in no time gone in no time

Segment 6

[0057] Silence. 10 seconds. [0058] Breath just audible. [0059] After 3
seconds eyes open.
[0060] After 5 smile, toothless for
[0061] Hold 5 seconds till

[0061] Curtain Fade out. Curtain

Segment 7

[0001] Note: [0001|001] the differentiation effect of A B C as shades modes of the
same, should be if not sufficiently conveyed by diversity
of source and theme., If not it may be underlined reinforced by
selective recording.
[heightened] by through [quality] of recording. may be assisted in process of recording.

Addition 1
Addition 2
with you
Addition 3
Addition 4
Addition 5
and not another sound hour after hour not a sound
Addition 6
may be assisted in process of recording.
Date 1
  • Segments
  • Marginal Additions