Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 54
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That Time Segment 54, version 1 (MS-UoR-1477-1, f. 08r)
then that time in the end when you
tried & couldn't sitting by the window
in the dark and the owl gone to hoot
at someone else xx or back with its
prey a mouse to its hollow tree when
you tried and tried and couldn't any more no words
left to keep it out so gave up there
by the window in the dark or moonlight [⁁]whatever it may have been
gave up and let it in and none the
worse pouring in on top of you a
great white shroud and not a
whit the worse

That Time Segment 54, loose jotting 2 (MS-UoR-1477-1, f. 08r)
no words left to keep it
out & let it come in &
no worse in on top of you
off pouring in on top of you
a great white shroud mist &
not a whit the worse

That Time Segment 54, version 3 (MS-UoR-1477-2, f. 04r)
then till the time came at last that time in the end when you tried and couldn't sitting by
the window in the dark and the owl flown to hoot at someone else
or back with a mous
xe to its hollow tree when you tried and tried
and couldn't any more no words left to keep it out so gave up
there buy the window in the dark or moonlight gave up for good and let
it in and none the worse a great white shroud pouring in on top
of you and not a whit little or none the worse
That Time Segment 54, version 4 (MS-UoR-1477-3, f. 09r)
at last that time in the end
when you tried and couldn't
sitting by the window in the
dark and the owl flown to hoot
at tsomeone else or back with
a mouse shrew to its hollow tree
when you tried and tried and cou
and couldn't any more no words
left to keep it out so gave up
there by the window in the
dark or moonlight and not a
sound not another sound gave
up for good and let in it and
none the worse a great white
pouring billowing in on top of
you and little or none the
overlap little or
none little or none

That Time Segment 54, version 5 (MS-UoR-1477-4, f. 02v)
that time in
the end when you tried and cou
dlldn't sitting by the window in the
dark and the owl flown to hoot at someone else oe back with a
shrew to its hollow tree when you tried and tried and couldn't any
more no words left to keep it out so gave up there by the window
in the dark or moonlight and not a sound not another sound gave up
for good and let it in and none the worse a great white shroud
billowing in on top of you and little or none the worse little or

That Time Segment 54, version 6 (MS-UoR-1477-5, f. 05r)
that time in the end when you tried and couldn't sitting by the
window in the dark and the owl flown to hoot at someone else or
back with a shrew to its hollow tree when you tried and tried and
couldn't any more no words left to keep it out so
gacee gave up
there by the window in the dark or moonlight and not a sound
not another sound gave up for good and let it in and none the
worse a great white shrouhd billowing in on top of you and little
or none nothing the worse little or none nothing

That Time Segment 54, version 7 (MS-UoR-1477-6, f. 07r)
that time in the enxd when you tried and couldn't sitting
by the window in the dark and the owl flown to hoot at
someone else or back with a shrew to its hollow treet and not another sound hour after hour not a sound
when you tried and tried and couldn't any more no words
left to keep it out so gave up there by the window in
the dark or moonlight and not a sound not another sound
gave up for good and let it in and nothing the worse
a great shroud billowing in on top of you and little or
nothing the worse little or nothing

That Time Segment 54, version 8 (MS-UoR-1477-10, f. 04r)
that time in the end that time
in the end when you tried and couldn't by the window in the
dark and the owl flown to hoot at someone else or back with
a shrew to its hollow tree and not another sound hour after
hour not a sound when you tried and tried and couldn't any
more no words left to keep it out so gave up there by the
window in the dark or moonlight and not a sound not another
sound gave up for good and let it in and nothing the worse
a great shrouxd billowing in all over you on top of you and
little or nothing the worse little or nothing

That Time Segment 54, version 10 (MS-UoR-1477-9, f. 04r)
that time in the end that time
in the end when you tried and couldn't by the window in the
dark and the owl flown to hoot at someone else or back with
a shrew to its hollow tree and not another sound hour after
hour not a sound when you tried and tried and couldn't any
more no words left to keep it out so gave up there by the
window in the dark or moonlight and not a sound not another
sound gave up for good and let it in and nothing the worse
a great shround billowing in all over you on top of you and
little or nothing the worse little or nothing

That Time Segment 54, version 11 (MS-UoR-1477-7, f. 05r)
that time in the end when you tried and couldn't by the window
in the dark and the owl flown to hoot at someone else or back
with a shrew to its hollow tree and not another sound hour after
hour not a sound when you tried and tried and couldn't any more
no words left to keep it out so gave up there by the window in
the dark or moon:light and not a sound not another sound gave up
for good and let it in and nothing the worse a great shroud billowing in all over you on top of you and little or nothing the
worse little or nothing

That Time Segment 54, version 12 (MS-UoR-1477-8, f. 06r)
that time in the end when you tried and couldn't by the window in the dark and the owl flown to hoot at someone else or back with a shrew to its hollow tree and not another sound hour after hour hour after hour not a sound when you tried and tried and couldn't any more no words left to keep it out so gave it up gave up there by the window in the dark or moonlight gave up for good and let it in and nothing the worse a great shroud billowing in all over you on top of you and little or nothing the worse little or nothing

That Time Segment 54, version 13 (MS-BC-1991001-13-4, f. 08r)
that time in the end when you tried and couldn’t by the window in the dark and the owl flown to hoot at someone else or back with a shrew to its hollow tree and not another sound hour after hour hour after hour not a sound when you tried and tried and couldn’t any more no words left to keep it out so gave it up gave up there by the window in the dark or moonlight gave up for good and let it in and nothing the worse a great shroud billowing in all over you on top of you and little or nothing the worse little or nothing
That Time Segment 54, version 14 (Faber & Faber 1976, p. 16)
[B:] that time in the end when you tried and couldn’t by the window in the dark and the owl flown to hoot at someone else or back with a shrew to its hollow tree and not another sound hour after hour hour after hour not a sound when you tried and tried and couldn’t any more no words left to keep it out so gave it up gave up there by the window in the dark or moonlight gave up for good and let it in and nothing the worse a great shroud billowing in all over you on top of you and little or nothing the worse little or nothing

Cette fois Segment 54, version 15 (MS-UoR-1657-1, f. 06r)
cette fois enfin où tu as essayé et
n'as pas pu à la fenêtre dans le noir
envolé le hibou envolé huer quelqu'un
d'autre ou retrouver son arbre creux
avec une musaraigne et plus un bruit
heure après heure heure après heure plus un seul
bruit xx tu où tu as essayé xx tant
que tu as pu et n'as pas pu plus possible
plus de mots pour contenir le vide alors
plus qu'à renoncer y renoncer là à la
fenêtre dans le noir nuit noire ou clair
de lune y renoncer pour de bon et le
laisser venir et pas plus mal vaste
suaire venu t'engloutir et pas plus
mal ou guère pas plus ou guère

Cette fois Segment 54, version 16 (MS-UoR-1657-2, f. 06r)
cette dernière fois enfin où tu as essayé et n'as pas
pu à la fenêtre dans le noir et
le hibou la chouette envolée huer
après quelqu'un d'autre ou re
trouvergagner son arbre creux
avec une musaraigne et plus un bruit heure après heure
heure après heure plus un seul bruit où tu as essayé
tant que tu as pu et n'as pas pu plus possible plus de
moyts pour contenir le vide alors plus qu'à renoncer y
renoncer là à la fenêtre dans le noir nuit noire ou
clair de lune y renoncer pour de bon et le laisser venir
et pas plus mal qu'avant vaste suaire venu t'engloutirensevelir et pas plus
mal qu'avant ou guère pas plus ou guère

Cette fois Segment 54, version 17 (MS-UoR-1657-3, f. 07r)
cette dernière fois enfin où
tu as essayé et n'as pas pu
à la fenêtre dans le noir la chouette envolée huer après
quelqu'un d'autre ou re
trouvergagner son arbre creux avec une
musaraigne et plus un bruit heure après heure heure après
heure plus un seul bruit où tu as essayé
tant que tu as pu tant et +
et n'as pas pu plus possible plus de mots pour contenir
le vide alors plus qu'à renoncer
y renoncer là à la fenêtre
dans le noir nuit noire ou clair de lune y renoncer pour
de bon et le laisser venir et pas plus mal qu'avant vaste
suaire venu t'ensevelir et pas plus mal qu'avant ou guère
pas plus ou guère

Cette fois Segment 54, version 18 (MS-UoR-3628, f. 20r)
cette dernière fois où tu as essayé et n'a pas pu à la fenêtre dans le noir et la chouette envolée huer après quelqu'un d'autre ou regagner son arbre creux avec une musaraigne et plus un bruit heure après heure heure après heure plus un seul bruit où tu as essayé tant et plus et n'as pas pu plus moyen plus de mots pour contenir le vide alors plus qu'à renoncer y renoncer là à la fenêtre dans le noir nuit noire ou clair de lune y renoncer pour de bon et le laisser venir et pas plus mal qu'avant vaste suaire venu t'ensevelir et pas plus mal qu'avant ou guère pas plus ou guère
Cette fois Segment 54, version 19 (Minuit 1978, p. 23)
[B:] cette dernière fois où tu as essayé et n'a pas pu à la fenêtre dans le noir et la chouette envolée huer après quelqu'un d'autre ou regagner son arbre creux avec une musaraigne et plus un bruit heure après heure heure après heure plus un seul bruit où tu as essayé tant et plus et n'as pas pu plus moyen plus de mots pour contenir le vide alors plus qu'à renoncer y renoncer là à la fenêtre dans le noir nuit noire ou clair de lune y renoncer pour de bon et le laisser venir et pas plus mal qu'avant vaste suaire venu t'ensevelir et pas plus mal qu'avant ou guère pas plus ou guère.