Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 51
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That Time Segment 51, version 1 (MS-UoR-1477-1, f. 08r)
the same cloudless skies xx nothing
ever changed but she there or not
always on your right at the fringe
of the field and every now &
again in the great peace like a
whisper so faint that she loved you
hard to believe that bit hard to
believe you ever made up that
bit even you

That Time Segment 51, version 2 (MS-UoR-1477-2, f. 04r)
and the glider passing over the same the same cloudless skies nothing ever changed but she there or not always on your right hand on the fringe of the field and every now and again in the great peace like a whisper so faint that she loved you hard to believe that bit hard to believe you even you ever made up that bit
That Time Segment 51, version 3 (MS-UoR-1477-3, f. 08r)
and the glider passing over
the same
just the same
never any change same cloudless skies
nothing ever changedbu but
she there or not on your right
hand always on your right hand
on the fringe of the field and
every now and again in the
great peace like a whisper so
faint that she loved you hard
to believe that bit hard to
believe you even you ever made
up that bit till the time came

That Time Segment 51, version 4 (MS-UoR-1477-4, f. 02v)
and the glider passing over the same
never any change s
mame cloudless skies nothing ever changed but
she there or not on your right hand always on your right hand on
the fringe of the field and every now and again in the great peace
like a whisper so faint that she loved you hard to believe you
even you ever made up that bit till the time came

That Time Segment 51, version 5 (MS-UoR-1477-5, f. 05r)
and the glider passing over the same never any change same cloudles
skies nothing ever changed but she
swith you there or not on your
right hand always onny on your right hand on the fringe of the
field and every now and again in the great peace like a whisper so
faint that she loved you hard to believe you even you ever made up
that bit till the time came

That Time Segment 51, version 6 (MS-UoR-1477-6, f. 07r)
the glider passing over the same never any change same
blue skies nothing ever changed but she with you there or not
on your right hand always the right hand on the cfringe
of the field and every now and again in the great peace
like a whisper so faint she loved you hard to believe
you even you ever made up that bit till the time came
in the end

That Time Segment 51, version 7 (MS-UoR-1477-10, f. 04r)
the glider
passing over the same never any change same blue skies nothing
ever changed but she with you there or not on your right hand
always the right hand on the fringe of the field and every
now and then in the great peace like a
whiser whisper so faint she
loved you hard to believe you even you ever made up that bit
timll the time came in the end

That Time Segment 51, loose jotting 8 (MS-UoR-1639, f. 02r)

That Time Segment 51, version 9 (MS-UoR-1477-9, f. 04r)
the glider
passing over the same never any change same blue skies nothing
ever changed but she with you there or not on your right hand
always the right hand on the fringe of the field and every
now and then in the great peace like a
whisêr whisper so faint she
loved you hard to believe you even you ever made up that bit
timll the time came in the end

That Time Segment 51, version 10 (MS-UoR-1477-7, f. 05r)
the glider passing over the same never any change same blue skies
nothing ever changed but she with you there or not on your right
hand always the right hand on thef fringe of the field and every
now and then in the great peace like a whisper so faint she loved
you hard to believe you even you made up that bit till the time
came in the end

That Time Segment 51, version 11 (MS-UoR-1477-8, f. 06r)
the glider passing over never any change same blue skies
nothing ever changed but she with you there or not on
your right hand always the right hand on the fringe of
tyhe field and every now and then in the great peace like
a whisper so faint she loved you hard to believe you
even you made up that bit till the time came in the

That Time Segment 51, version 12 (MS-BC-1991001-13-4, f. 08r)
the glider passing over never any change same blue skies nothing ever changed but she with you there or not on your right hand always the right hand on the fringe of the field and every now and then in the great peace like a whisper so faint she loved you hard to believe you even you made up that bit till the time came in the end
That Time Segment 51, version 13 (Faber & Faber 1976, p. 15)
[B:] the glider passing over never any change same blue skies nothing ever changed but she with you there or not on your right hand always the right hand on the fringe of the field and every now and then in the great peace like a whisper so faint she loved you hard to believe you even you made up that bit till the time came in the end

Cette fois Segment 51, version 14 (MS-UoR-1657-1, f. 06r)
le planeur qui passait jamais de changement
mêmes cieux d'azur jamais rien de
changé sinon elle là ou non avec toi
à ta main droite toujours main droite
à la limite du champ et de temps à
autre dans le grand silence si bas
à peine un murmure qu'elle t'aimait
difficile à croire que toi même toi aies
pu imaginer ce détail-là jusqu'à cette
fois enfin

Cette fois Segment 51, version 15 (MS-UoR-1657-2, f. 05r)
11 le planeur qui passait jamais de changement mêmes cieux
d'azur jamais rien de changé sinon elle là ou non avec
toi à ta main droite toujours main droite à la limite
du champ et de temps à autre dans le grand silence calme silence si
bas à peine un murmure comme quoi elle aimait t'aimait
difficile à croire que toi m!ême toi aies jamais pu inventer
ce détail-là jusqu'à cette dernière fois enfin

Cette fois Segment 51, version 16 (MS-UoR-1657-3, f. 07r)
le planeur qui passait jamais de changement mêmes cieux
d'azur jamais rien de changé sinon elle là ou non avec toi
à ta main droite toujours mains droite à la limite du
champ et de temps à autre dans lea grande silence paix si bas à
peine un murmure comme quoi elle t'aimait difficile à
croire que toi même toi aies jamais pu inventer cela that bit
divaguer jusque-là
jusqu'à cette dernière fois enfin

Cette fois Segment 51, version 17 (MS-UoR-3628, f. 19r)
le planeur qui passait jamais de changement mêmes cieux toujours jamais rien de changé sinon elle là ou non avec toi à ta main droite toujours main droite à la limite du champ et de temps en temps dans la grande paix si bas à peine un murmure comme quoi elle t'aimait difficile à croire que toi même toi aies jamais pu divaguer à ce point-là jusqu'à cette dernière fois enfin.
Cette fois Segment 51, version 18 (Minuit 1978, p. 22)
[B:] le planeur qui passait jamais de changement mêmes cieux toujours jamais rien de changé sinon elle là ou non avec toi à ta main droite toujours main droite à la limite du champ et de temps en temps dans la grande paix si bas à peine un murmure comme quoi elle t'aimait difficile à croire que toi même toi aies jamais pu divaguer à ce point-là jusqu'à cette dernière fois enfin