Digital Manuscript ProjectFin de partie / Endgame

I? [1420] (Pause. [1421] Gloomy.) [1422] It's finished,
we're finished. [1423] (Pause.) [1424] It's nearly
finished. [1425] (Pause) [1426] There'll be no more
speech. [1427] (Pause.)
[1428] A drop of water in
my head, ever since the fontanelles.
[1429] (Stifled hilarity of Nagg.) [1430] It always
crashes on the same spot. [1431] (Pause.)
[1432] Perhaps it's a little vein. [1432|001] (Animated.)
[1433] (Pause.) [1434] xxx A little artery. [1435] (Pause.
[1436] More animated.) [1437] Come on, it's story
time, where was I? [1438] (Pause. [1439] Narrative
tone.) [1440] The man came crawling towards
me, on his belly. [1441] Marvellous Pale,
- Segments
Fin de partie / Endgame © 2018 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Shane Weller and Vincent Neyt