Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 236
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Footfalls Segment 236, version 1 (MS-UoR-1552-1, f. 05r)
Watch it - (Pause.) Watch her pass before
candle candelabrum
how the flame ... the flame ...
like moon through cloud cloud.

Footfalls Segment 236, version 2 (MS-UoR-1552-2, f. 04r)
Watch it - (Pause.) Watch her pass before a candelabrum, how the flames, the light of the moon through cloud.

Footfalls Segment 236, version 3 (MS-UoR-1552-3, f. 04r)
Watch it - (Pause.) Watch her pass before a candelabrum, how the flames, the light of the moon through cloud.

Footfalls Segment 236, version 4 (MS-UoR-1552-4, f. 04r)
Watch it - (Pause.) Watch her pass before a the candelabrum, how the its flames,
their light of the moon through passing cloud. [0236|001] (Pause.) [0236|002] Or mist.

Footfalls Segment 236, version 5 (MS-HRC-SB-3-7, f. 06r)
Watch it - (pause) - watch her pass before the candelabrum, how its flames, their light . . . like moon through passing cloud.

Footfalls Segment 236, version 6 (MS-UoR-1552-5, f. 04r)
Watch it pass - (pause) - watch her pass
before the candelabrum, how its flames, their moon through passing cloud rack.

Footfalls Segment 236, version 7 (MS-UoR-1552-7, f. 06v)
Watch it pass-(pause)-watch her pass before the candelabrum, how its flames, their light . . . like moon through passing rack.
Footfalls Segment 236, version 8 (Faber & Faber 1976, p. 12)
[M:] Watch it pass-(pause)-watch her pass before the candelabrum, how its flames, their light . . . like moon through passing rack.

Footfalls Segment 236, version 9 (MS-BC-1991001-12-11, f. 04r)
Watch it pass - (pause) - watch her pass before the candelabrum, how its flames, their moon through passing...rack.

Footfalls Segment 236, version 10 (MS-UoR-1552-6, f. 04r)
Watch it pass - (pause) - watch her pass before the cabndelabrum,
how its flames, their light, like moon through passing
Footfalls Segment 236, version 11 (Grove Press 1977, p. 47)
[M:] Watch it pass-(pause)-watch her pass before the candelabrum how its flames, their light . . . like moon through passing . . . rack.
Footfalls Segment 236, version 12 (Faber & Faber 1977, p. 36)
[M:] Watch it pass-(pause)-watch her pass before the candelabrum, how its flames, their light . . . like moon through passing rack.

Pas Segment 236, version 13 (MS-BC-1991001-12-24-1, f. 04r)
Voyez-leae passer - . (Un temps.)
Voyez-la passer devant le candélabre, comme ses flammes,
leur clarté perle, comme telle la lune à travers qu'occulte une vapeur.

Pas Segment 236, version 14 (MS-BC-1991001-12-24-2, f. 04r)
Voyez-le passer - . (Un temps.) Voyez-la passer
devant le candélabre, comme ses flammes, leur clarté, telle
la lune qu'occulte que voile une vapeur.

Pas Segment 236, version 15 (MS-BC-1991001-18-11, f. 05r)
Voyez-le passer - .
(Un temps.) Voyez-la passer devant le candélabre, comme
ses flammes, leur clarté, telle la lune que voile une
Pas Segment 236, version 16 (La Nouvelle Revue Française 1977, p. 13)
[M:] Voyez-la passer -. (Un temps.) Voyez-la passer devant le candélabre, comme ses flammes, leur clarté, telle la lune que voile une vapeur.
Pas Segment 236, version 17 (Minuit 1977, p. 15)
[M:] Voyez-le passer -. (Un temps.) Voyez-la passer devant le candélabre, comme ses flammes, leur clarté, telle la lune que voile une vapeur.