Digital Manuscript ProjectEn attendant Godot / Waiting for Godot

[1179|002] extraordinary vehemence) [1179|003] Professional worries!
[1179|004] (Calmer) [1180] Beauty, grace, truth of the first water,
I knew they were all beyond me. [1181] So I took a stooge.
[1192] (LUCKY puts down the basket and takes off
[1195] Now look.
[1196] (POZZO takes off his hat(1) [1198] He is completely
[1200] Did you see?
his hat. [1193] His long white hair falls about
his face. [1194] He puts his hat under his arm
and picks up the basket)
bald. [1199] He puts on his hat again)
- Segments
- Marginal Additions
En attendant Godot / Waiting for Godot © 2017 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt