Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
En attendant Godot / Waiting for Godot


MS. Pages: cover - 03r 03v - 08r 08v - 13r 13v - 18r 18v - 23r 23v - 28r 28v - 33r 33v - 38r 38v - 43r 43v - 48r 48v - 53r 53v - 58r 58v - 63r 63v - 68r 68v - 73r 73v - 78r 78v - 83r 83v - 88r 88v - 93r 93v - ins.backcover backcover - ins.backcover
[p. 53v] [p. 54r]


[1296] It's all over.

[1297] Enter Vladimir, sombre. He shoulders Lucky out of his way, kicks over the stool, comes and goes agitatedly.


[1298] He's not pleased.


[1298|001] (to Vladimir) [1299] You missed a treat. [1300] Pity.

[1301] Vladimir halts, straightens the stool, comes and goes, calmer.


[1302] He subsides. [1303] (looking round.) [1304] Indeed all subsides. [1305] A great calm descends. [1307] (raising his hand.) [1306] Listen! [1308] Pan sleeps.


[1310] Will night never come?

[1311] All three look at the sky.


[1312] You don't feel like giving till it does?


[1313] Well you see -


[1314] Why it's very natural, very natural. [1315] I myself in your situation, if I had an appointment with a Godin... Godet... Godot... anyhow you see who I mean,

[p. 54v] [p. 55r]


[1315] I'd wait till it was black night before I gave up. [1316] (He looks at the stool.) [1317] I'd very much like to sit down, but I don't quite know how to go about it.


[1318] Could I be of any help?


[1319] If you asked me perhaps.


[1320] What?


[1321] If you asked me to sit down.


[1322] Would that be a help?


[1323] I fancy so.


[1324] Here we go. [1325] Be seated, Sir, I beg of you.


[1326] No no, I wouldn't think of it. [1327] (Pause. [1328] Aside.) [1329] Ask me again.


[1330] Come come, take a seat I beseech you, you'll get pneumonia.


[1331] You really think so?


[1332] Why it's absolutely certain.


[1333] No doubt you are right. [1334] (He sits down) [1336] Done it again! [1336|001] (Pause.) [1335] Thank you, dear fellow. [1337] (He consults his watch.) [1338] But I must really be getting on, if I am to observe my schedule.

[p. 55v] [p. 56r]


[1339] Time has stopped.


[1340] (cuddling his watch to his ear.) [1341] Don't you believe it, [1342] Sir, don't you believe it. [1343] (He puts the watch back in his pocket.) [1344] Whatever you like, but not that.


[1345] (To Pozzo) [1346] Everything seems black to him to-day.


[1347] Except the firmament. [1348] (He laughs, pleased with this witticism.) [1350] But I see what it is, you are not from these parts, you don't know what our twilights can do. [1351] Shall I tell you? [1352] (Silence. [1353] Estragon is fiddling with his boot again, Vladimir with his hat.) [1355] I can't refuse you. [1356] (Vaporizer.) [1357] A little attention, if you please. [1358] (Vladimir and Estragon continue their fiddling. Lucky is half asleep. [1359] Pozzo cracks his whip feebly.) [1360] What's the matter with this whip? [1361] (He gets up and cracks it more vigorously, finally with success. [1362] Lucky jumps.

[p. 56v] [p. 57r]


[1363] Vladimir's hat, Estragon's boot, Lucky's hat, fall to the ground. [1364] Pozzo throws down the whip.) [1365] Worn out, this whip. [1366] (He looks at Vladimir and Estragon.) [1367] What was I saying?


[1368] Let's go.


[1369] But take the weight off your feet, I implore you, you'll catch your death.


[1370] True. [1371] (He sits down. [1372] To Estragon.) [1373] What is your name?


[1375] Adam.


[1376] (who hasn't listened) [1377] Ah yes! The night. [1378] (He raises his hand.) [1379] But be a little more attentive, for pity's sake, otherwise we'll never get anywhere. [1380] (He looks at the sky.) [1381] Look! [1382] (All look at the sky except Lucky who is dozing off again. [1383] Pozzo jerks the rope.) [1384] Will you look at the sky, pig! [1385] (Lucky looks at the sky.) [1386] Good, that's enough. [1387] (They stop looking at the sky.) [1388] What is there so extraordinary about

[p. 57v] [p. 58r]


[1388] it? qua sky? it? [1389] Qua sky? [1390] It is pale and luminous like any sky at this hour of the day. [1391] (Pause.) [1392] In these latitudes. [1393] (Pause.) [1394] When the weather is fine. [1395] (Lyrical.) [1396] An hour ago (he looks at his watch, ) prosaic) roughly (lyrical) after having pressed forth ever since xxx xxx xxx xxx (he hesitates, prosaic) say ten o'clock in the morning (lyrical) tirelessly torrents of red and white light it begins to lose its effulgence, to grow pale (gesture of the two hands lapsing by stages) pale, ever a little paler, a little paler until (dramatic pause, ample gesture of the two hands flung wide apart) pppfff! finished! it comes to rest. [1398] But - (hand raised in admonition) - but behind this veil of gentleness and peace night is charging (vibrantly) and will burst upon us (snaps his fingers) pop! like that! (his inspiration leaves him)

MS. Pages: cover - 03r 03v - 08r 08v - 13r 13v - 18r 18v - 23r 23v - 28r 28v - 33r 33v - 38r 38v - 43r 43v - 48r 48v - 53r 53v - 58r 58v - 63r 63v - 68r 68v - 73r 73v - 78r 78v - 83r 83v - 88r 88v - 93r 93v - ins.backcover backcover - ins.backcover