Digital Manuscript ProjectKrapp's Last Tape / La Dernière Bande

[0027] returns to drawer, takes out second
banana, advances to edge of stage, halts,
strokes banana, peels it, tosses skin
backstage audience right (gag), puts end
of banana in his mouth and remains motion-
less, staring vacuously before him.
[0028] Finally
he has an idea, throws away banana back-
stage audience right, and goes with all the
speed he can muster backstage, draws
curtain of den half open, disappears inside,
[0032] reappears with ledger, lays it on table,
returns to den, reappears with tins contain-
ing reels, lays them on table, returns to
den, reappears with tape recorder, lays it
on table, plugs it in, sits, (no drink here.
Two drinks in all, where marked),[0033] wipes
his mouth, wipes his hands on the front
of his waistcoat, brings them smartly
together and rubs them.
[0046] Box...thrree...thrree...four...two...(with
surprise) nine! good God! ah! the
little rascal![0047] (he takes up box, peers at it)[0048] Box
thrree.[0049] (he lays it on table, opens it and peers at
spools inside)[0050] Spool...(he peers at ledger) ...
five...(he peers at spools) ...five...five...
ah! the little scoundrel![0051] (he takes out a spool, peers
at it)[0052] Spool five.[0053] (he lays it on table, closes box
three, puts it back with the others, takes up the spool)
[0054] Box thrree, spool five.
- Segments
Krapp's Last Tape / La Dernière Bande © 2015 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle and Vincent Neyt