Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Malone meurt / Malone Dies


Segment 1

[2005] she stayed with him all the time? [2006] Why no, and no doubt she had o
other attentions to bestow elsewhere, and other instructions to
[2007] But in the early stages, before he had grown used tp [place = margin left] o this
new tide in his fortune, she assuredly left him alone as little
as possible and even watched over him part of the night.
[2008] How under-
standing she was, and how good-natured, appears from the following

Segment 2

[2009] One day, not long after his admission, Macmann realized
he was wearing, instead of his usual accoutrement, a long s [place = overwritten] loose
smock of coarse linen, or possibly drugget.
[2010] He at once began to
clamour loudly for his clothes, including probably the contents of
his pockets, for he cried, My things! [place = overwritten] ! My [place = supralinear] things thins! [place = overwritten] !, over and over
again, tossing about in the bed and beating the blanket with his

Segment 3

[2011] Then Moll sat down on the edge of the bed and distributed
her hands as follows, one on top of one of Macmann's, the other on
his brow.
[2012] She was so small that her feet did not reach to the floor.

Segment 4

[2013] When he was a little calmer she told him that his clothes had cer-
tainly ceased to exist and could not therefore be returned to him.
With regard to the objects found in the pockets, they had been a
assessed as quite worthless and fit only to be thrown away, with
the exception of a little silver knife-rest which he could have
back at any til [place = overwritten] me.

Segment 5

[2014] But these declarations so distressed him that she
hastened to add, with a laugh, g [place = overwritten] that she was only joking and that
in reality his clothes, cleaned, pressed, mended, strewn with moth-
balls and folding folded away in a cardboard box bearing his name
and number, were as safe as if they had been received in deposit

Addition 1
  • Segments
  • Marginal Additions