Digital Manuscript ProjectMalone meurt / Malone Dies

[1619] different cause or set of causes.
[1620] For people are never content
to suffer, but they must have heedat and cold, rain and its con-
trary which is fine weather, and with that love, friendship,
black skin and sexual and peptic deficiency for example, in short
the furies and frenzies happily too numerous to be numvbered of
the body including the skull and its annexes, whatever that
means, such as the club-foot, in order that they may know very
precisely what exactly it is that dares prevent their happiness
from being unalloyed.
[1622] And sticklers have been met with who had no
peace until they knew for certain whether their carcinoma was of
the pylorus or whether on the contrary it was not rather of the
[1623] But these are flights for which Macmann was not yet
fledgesd, and indeed he was rather of the earth earthy and ill-
fitted for pure reason, especially in the circumstances in which
we have been fortunate enough to circumscribe him.
[1624] And to tell
the truth he was by temperament more reptile and than bird and could
suffer extensive mutilation and survive, happier sitting than sta
standing and lying down than sitting, so that he sat and lay down
at the least pretext and only rose again when the élan vital or
struggle for life began to prod him in the arse again.
[1625] And a
good part half of his existence must have been spent in a motionless-
ness akin to that of stone, not to say the three quarters, or even
the four fifths, a motionless moitonlessness[₰] at first skin-deep, but which
little by little invaded, I will not say the vital parts, but
at least the sensibility and understanding.
[1626] And it must be
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Malone meurt / Malone Dies © 2017 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt