Digital Manuscript ProjectMalone meurt / Malone Dies

[0849] Or the Louis saw him, from
far off or from near by, or some
of them from far off and the others from near
[0849] suddenly emerge from behind the
washing and set off along the path, without
trying to detain him or even calling goodbye,
and without taking umbrage at his leaving them
in a way apparently so lacking in friendliness,
for they knew he meant no harm.
[0850] Or if at the time they could not but feel a
little vexed, this feeling was quite
dispelled a very little later, when they found lying on the kitchen table the crumpled
paper-bag containing a few little
articles of haberdashery.
[0851] And these humble
but useful gifts, and this delicate way
of giving, disarmed them too at the sight
of the bowl of goat's milk only half emptied,
or untouched, and prevented them from
regarding this as an affront, in the way
tradition required.
[0854] And even
on the road, of which segments were visible
more than a mile away, nothing could occur
without their knowing it, and they were able
not only to recognize all those who passed along
it and whom the interval reduced to the
dimensions of a pin's head, but also to divine
where they were coming from, where they going to,
and for what purpose.
- Segments
- Doodles
Malone meurt / Malone Dies © 2017 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt