Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Malone meurt / Malone Dies


Segment 1

[1363] bonic gas, then say thanks for the nice time and go. [1364] That has
always been my dream at bottom,
[1365] all the things that have always b
been my dream at bottom,
[1366] so many strings and never a shaft. [1368] Yes,
an old foetus, that's what I am now, [place = inline] [] [place = supralinear] hoar and impotent, mother is done for, I've rot-
ted her, sh' [place = overwritten] e'll drop me with the help of gangrene, pr [place = overwritten] erhaps papa
is at the party too, I'll land head-foremost mewling in the
charnel-house, not that I'll mewl, not worth it.

Segment 2

[1369] All the stories
I've told myself, clinging to the putrid mucus, and swelling,
swelling. [place = overwritten] ,
[1370] S [place = inline] [] [place = margin left] s[ [place = supralinear] s]aying,[ [place = margin left] l.c.] Got it at last, my legend. [1371] But whh [place = margin right] y this sudden
heat, has anything happened, anything changed?
[1372] No, the answer is
no, I shall never get born and therefore never get dead, and a
good job too.
[1373] And if I tell of me and of that other who is my
little one, it is as always for want of love, well I'll be bugger-
ed, I wasn't expecting that, want of a homuncule, I can't stop.

Segment 3

[1374] And yet it sometimes seems to me I did get born and had a long life
and met Jackson and wandered in the towns, the woods and wilder-
nesses and tarried by the seas in tears before the islands and
peninsulas where night lit the little [place = inline] , brief yellow lights of man
and all night the great white and coloured beamns [place = margin left] [] shining in the
caves where I was happy, crouched on the sand in the lee of the

Segment 4

[1374] rocks with the sma [place = overwritten] ell of the seaweed and the wet rock and the noise
howling of the wind [place = inline] , the waves whipping me with foam [place = inline] , or sighing on
the beach softly clawing the shingle, no, not happy, I was never
that, but wisj [place = overwritten] h wishing night would never end and morning never come
when men wake and say, Come on, we'll soon be dead, let's make the
best [place = inline] [] [place = margin left] most [ [place = supralinear] most] of it.

Segment 5

[1375] But what matter whether I was born or not, have lived
or not, an [place = overwritten] m [place = supralinear] m dead or merely dying, I shall go on doing as I have al-

Addition 1
Addition 2
Addition 3
Metamark 1
Metamark: [place = margin left] l.c. Note: The copyeditor has struck through the capital S in \'Saying\' and added \'l.c.\' in the left margin to indicate that the \'s\' should be lower case.
  • Segments
  • Marginal Additions
  • Metamarks