Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project


Segment 1

[0326] except of course the one thing, and if she never succeeded in
getting me unstuck, it was that fate had earmarked me for less
[place = margin left] [3] compassionate sewers. [place = inline] []]
[0327] But it was well-meant and that's enough
for me.
[0328] Not [place = supralinear] [] [place = inline] , it is not enough for me, but I give her credit, though
she is my mother, for what she tried to do for me.
[0329] And I forgive
her for having jostled me a little in the first months and spoiled
the only endurable, just endurable, period of my enormous history.

Segment 2

[0330] And I also give her credit for not having done it again, thanks to
me, or for having stopped in time, when she did.
[0331] And if ever I'm
reduced to looking for a meaning to my life, you never can tell, it's
in that old mess I'll stick my nose to begin with, the mess of that
poor old uniparous whore and myself [place = inline] , the last of my foul brood,
neithr [place = overwritten] er man nor beast.

Segment 3

[0332] I should add, before I get down to the facts,
v [place = overwritten] you'd swear they were facts [place = inline] , of that distant summer afternoon, that
with this deaf [place = inline] , blind [place = inline] , impotent [place = inline] , mad old woman, who called me Dan and
whom I called Mag, and with her alone, I --- [place = inline] [] no, I can't say it.

[0333] That is to say [place = inline] , I could say it but I won't say it, [place = supralinear] . yes, I could say
it easily, because it wouldn't be true.
[0334] What did I see of her? [0335] A
head always, the hands sometimes, the arms rarely.
[0336] A head always.

Segment 4

[0337] Veiled with hair, wrinkles, filth, slobber. [0338] A head that dark [place = supralinear] ened
the air.
[0339] Not that seeing matters, but it's something to go on
[0340] It's I who took the key from under the pillow, who took
the money out of the drawer, who put the key back under the pillow.

Segment 5

[0341] But I didn't come for money. [0342] I think there was a woman who came
each week.
[0343] Once I touched with my lips, vaguely, hastily, that
little gre [place = supralinear] ay [place = inline] , wizened pear.
[0344] Pah. [0345] Did that please her? [0346] I don't
[0347] Her babble stopped for a second, then began again. [0349] Perhaps
she said to herself, Pah.
[0350] I smelt a terrible smell. [0351] I [place = supralinear] t must have
come from the guts.
[0352] Odou [place = infralinear] []r of antiquity. [0353] Oh I'm not criticis [place = supralinear] zing

Addition 1
Addition 2
  • Segments
  • Marginal Additions