[1162] to fall, [place = margin left] [₰] I lay down, or I wedged myself as [place = supralinear] [⁁]where I stood so firmly that nothing
short of an earthquake could have dislodged me, and I waited.
[1163] But these
were precautions I did not always take, preferring the fall to the
nuisance [place = supralinear] [⁁]trouble of having to lie down or stand fast.
[1164] Whereas the falls I
suffered when with Lousse did not give me a chance to circumvent them.
[1165] But all the same they surprised me less, they were more in keeping with
me, than the little leps [place = supralinear] [⁁]bounds.
[1166] For even as a child I do not remember er [place = overwritten] ver
having leaped [place = supralinear] [⁁]bounded, neither rage nor pain ever made me leap [place = supralinear] [⁁]bound, even as a child,
however ill-qualified I am to speak of that time.
[1167] Now with regard to my
fooe [place = overwritten] d, it seems to me I ate it as [place = supralinear] , when and where it best suited me.
[1168] I
never had to call for it.
[1169] It was brought to me, wherever I happened to
be, on a tray.
[1170] I can still see the tray, almost at will, it was round,
with a low rim, to keep the things from falling off, and coated with red
lacquer, cracking here and there.
[1171] It was small too, as became a tray
having to hold a single dish and one slab of bread.
[1172] For the little I
ate I crammed into my mouth with my hands, and the ba [place = overwritten] o [place = supralinear] ottles I drank from
the bottle were brought to me separately, in a basket.
[1173] But this basket
made no impression on me, good or bad, and I couldn't [place = supralinear] [⁁]could not tell you what it
was like.
[1174] And many a time, having strayed for one reason or another from
the place where the meal had been brought to me, I couldn't [place = supralinear] [⁁]could not find it again,
when I felt the desire to eat.
[1175] Then I searched high and low, often with
sucf [place = overwritten] cess, being fairly familiar with the places where I wq [place = overwritten] as likely to have
been, but often too in vain.
[1176] Or I did not search at all, preferring
hunger and thirst to the nuisance [place = supralinear] [⁁]trouble of having to search without being sure
of finding, or [place = supralinear] of having to ask for another tray to be brought, and another basket,
or the same, to the place where I was.
[1177] It was then I regretted my
[1178] And when I talk of preferring, for example, or regretting,
it must not be supposed that I opted for the least evil, and adopted it,
for that would be wrong.
[1179] But not knowing exactly what I was doing or
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Molloy © 2016 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Magessa O'Reilly, Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt