[2137] I remembered with vexation [place = supralinear] annoyance the lager I had just absorbed.
[2138] Would I be
granted the body of Christ after a pint of Wallenstein?
[2139] And I [place = overwritten] if I said
[2140] Have you come fasting, my son?
[2141] He would not ask.
[2142] But God would
know, sooner or later.
[2143] Perhaps he would pardon me.
[2144] But would the eucharist
produce the same effect, taken on top of beer, however light?
[2145] I could
always try.
[2146] What was the teaching of the Church on the matter?
[2147] What if I
were about to commit sacrilege?
[2148] I decided to suck a few peppermints on the
way to the presbytery.
[2149] I got up and went to the kitchen.
[2150] I asked if Jacques was back.
[2151] I
H [place = overwritten] haven't seen him, said Martha.
[2152] She seemed in bad humour.
[2153] And the man, [place = overwritten] ? I
[2154] What man? she said.
[2155] The man who came for a glass of beer, I said.
[2156] No one came for anything, said Martha.
[2157] By the way, I said, unperturbed
apparently, I shall not eat lunch today.
[2158] She asked if I were ill.
[2159] For I
was naturally a rather heavy eater.
[2160] And my Sunday midday meal especially
I always liked extremely copious.
[2161] It smelt good in the kitchen.
[2162] I shall
have lunch a little later today, that's all, I said.
[2163] Martha looked at me
[2164] Say four o'clock, I said.
[2165] In that wizened, grey skull what
raging and rampaging then, I knew.
[2166] You will not go out today, I said coldly,
I regret.
[2167] She flung herself at her pots and pans, dumb with anger.
[2168] You will
keep all that hot for me, I said, as best you can.
[2169] And knowing her capable
of poisoning me I added, You can have all day [place = supralinear] [⁁]the whole day off tomorrow, if that is any good
to you.
- Segments
Molloy © 2016 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Magessa O'Reilly, Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt