Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project


Segment 1

[3218] before I forget. [3219] Two holes were bored in the brim, one on either side of
course, I had bored them myself, with my little gimlet.
[3220] And in these holes
I had secured the ends of an elastic long enough to pass under my chin,
under my jaws rather, but not too long, for it had to sit firmly hold fast, under my
jaws rather.
[3221] In this way, however great my exertions, my boater stayed in
its place, which was on my head.
[3222] Shame on you, I cried, you ill-bred
little pig!

Segment 2

[3223] I would get angry if I were not careful. [3224] And anger is a
luxury I cannot afford.
[3225] For then I go blind, blood veils my eyes and I
hear what the great Gustave heard, the benches creaking in the court of
[3226] Oh it's it is not without scathe that one is gentle, courteous,
reasonalb,ble, patient, day after day, year after year.
[3227] I threw down my
umbrella and ran from the room.
[3228] On the stairs I met Martha coming up,
capless, dishevelled, her clothes in disorder.
[3229] What's going on? she cried.

Segment 3

[3230] I looked at her. [3231] She went back to her kitchen. [3232] Trembling I hastened to
the shed, seized my axe, went into the yard and began hacking madly at an
old chopping-block that lay there and on which in winter, tranquilly, I
split my logs.
[3233] Finally the blade sank into it so deeply that I could not
get it out.
[3234] The efforts I made to do so brought me, with exhaustion, calm.
[3235] I went upstairs again. [3236] My son was getting dressed dressing. He was crying.

Segment 4

[3237] Everybody was crying. [3238] I helped him put on his knapsack. [3239] I told him not
to forget his raincoat.
[3240] He began to put it in his knapsack. [3241] I told him
to keep carry it over his arm, for the moment.
[3242] It was nearly midnight. [3243] I
picked up my umbrella.
[3244] Intact. [3245] Get on, I said. [3246] He went out of the room
which I paused for a moment to survey, before I followed him.
[3247] It was in
a shambles.
[3248] The night was fine, in my humble opinion.

Segment 5

[3249] Scents filled the
[3250] The gravel crunched under our feet. [3251] No, I said, this way. [3252] I entered
the little wood.
[3253] My son floundered behind me, bumping into the trees. [3254] He
did not know how to find his way in the dark.
[3255] He was still young, the words
of reproach died on my lips.
[3256] I stopped. [3257] Take my hand, I said. [3258] I might

  • Segments