Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project


Segment 1

[3930] of thought. [3931] But when I woke it was day again and the fire was out. [3932] But
the embers were still warm.
[3933] My leg was no better, but it was no worse
[3934] That is to say it was perhaps a little worse, without my being
in a condition to realize it, for the simple reason that this leg was
becoming a habit, mercifully.
[3935] But I think not. [3936] For at the same time as
I listened to my knee, and then submitted it to various tests, I was on
my guard against the effects of this habit and tried to discount them.

Segment 2

[3937] And it was not so much Moran as another, in the secret of Moran's
sensations exclusively, who said, No change, Moran, no change.
[3938] This may
seem impossible.
[3939] I went into the copse to cut myself a stick. [3940] But having
finally found a suitable branch, I remembered I had no knife.
[3941] I went back
to the shelter, hoping to find my son's knife among the things he had laid
on the ground and neglected to pick up.
[3942] It was not among them.

Segment 3

[3943] To make up []for
this I came across my umbrella and said, Why cut myself a stick when I have
my umbrella.
[3944] And I practised walking with the help of my umbrella. [3945] And
though in this way I moved no faster and no less painfully, at least I did
not tire so quickly.
[3946] And instead of having to stop every ten steps, to
rest, I easily managed fifteen, before having to stop.

Segment 4

[3947] And even while I
rested my umbrella was a help.
[3948] For I found that when I leaned upon it the
heaviness in my leg, due probably to a defect in the bloodstream, disappear-
-ed even more quickly than when I stood supported only by my muscles and
the tree of life.

Segment 5

[3949] And thus equipped I no longer confined myself to circling
about the shelter, as I had done the previous day, but I radiated from it
in every direction.
[3950] And I even gained a little knoll from which I had a
better view of the expanse where my son might suddenly rise into view, at
any moment.
[3951] And in my mind's eye from time to time I saw him, bent over
the handlebars or standing on the pedals, drawing near, and I heard him
panting and I saw written on the chubby face his joy at being back at last.

  • Segments