[4265] wheels began to turn.
[4266] I followed, half dragged, half hopping.
[4267] I trembled
for my testicles which swing a little low.
[4268] Faster! I cried.
[4269] He bore down
on the pedals.
[4270] I bounded up to my place.
[4271] The bicycle swayed, righted
itself, gained speed.
[4272] Bravo! I cried, beside myself with joy.
[4273] Hurrah!
cried my son.
[4274] How I loathe that exclamation!
[4275] I can hardly set it down.
[4276] He was as pleased as I, I do believe.
[4277] His heart was beating under my hand,
and yet my hand was far from his heart.
[4278] Happily it was downhill.
[4279] Happily
I had mended my hat, or the wind would have blown it away.
[4280] Happily the
weather was fine, and I no longer alone.
[4281] Happily, happily.
[4282] In this way we came to Ballyba.
[4283] I shall not tell of the obstacles we
had to surmount, the fiends we had to circumvent, the misdemeanours of the
son, the disintegrations of the father.
[4284] It was my intention, almost my
desire, to tell of all these things, I rejoiced at the thought that the
moment would come when I might do so.
[4285] Now the intention is dead, the
moment is come and the desire is gone.
[4286] My leg was no better.
[4287] It was no
worse either.
[4288] The skin had healed.
[4289] I would never have got there alone.
[4290] It was thanks to my son.
[4291] What?
[4292] That I got there.
[4293] He often complained
of his health, his stomach, his teeth.
[4294] I gave him some morphine.
[4295] He
looked worse and worse.
[4296] When I asked him what was wrong he could not
answer [⁁]tell me.
[4297] We had trouble with the bicycle.
[4298] But I patched it up. [4299] I
would not have got there without my son.
[4300] We were a long time getting
[4301] Weeks.
[4302] We kept losing our way, taking our time.
[4303] I still did not
know what I was to do with Molloy, when I found him.
[4304] I thought no more
about it.
[4305] I thought about myself, a lot, as we went along, sitting behind
my son, looking over his head, and in the evening, when we camped, while
he made himself useful, and when he went away, leaving me alone.
[4306] For he
often went away, to spy out the lie of the land and to buy provisions.
[4307] I did practically nothing any more.
[4308] He took good care of me, I must say.
- Segments
Molloy © 2016 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Magessa O'Reilly, Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt