Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 2
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Not I Segment 2, version 1 (MS-UoR-1227-7-12-1, f. 01r)
AUDITOR, frontdownstage audience L, tall upright figure enveloped
from head to foot in black djellaba, shown by attitude to be
facing diagonally across stage towards MOUTH, fully faintly lit,
dead still throughout except for single brief movement where indicated
Ligh Stage light on when curtain up & unchanged throughout.

Not I Segment 2, version 2 (MS-UoR-1227-7-12-3, f. 01r)
AUDITOR, downstage audience L, tall upright figure enveloped from head to foot in loose black djellaba, fully faintly lit, [⁁]standing on invisible podium 4' high, shown by attitude alone to be facing diagonally across stage towards intent on MOUTH, dead still throughout but for single brief movement where indicated.

Not I Segment 2, version 3 (MS-UoR-1227-7-12-4, f. 01r)
AUDITOR, downstage audience left, tall standing figure enveloped from head to foot in loose black djellaba, fully faintly lit, standing on invisible podium 4' high, shown by attitude alone to be facing diagonally across stage intent on MOUTH, dead still throughout but for single brief 4 slight movements wghere indicated.
See note below.

Not I Segment 2, version 4 (MS-UoR-1227-7-12-5, f. 01r)
AUDITOR, downstage audience left, tall standing figure enveloped from head to foot in loose black djellaba, fully faintly lit, standing on invisible podium 4' high, shown by attitude alone to be facing diagonally across stage intent on MOUTH, dead still throughout but for four brief movements where indicated. See nNote below.

Not I Segment 2, version 5 (MS-UoR-1227-7-12-6, f. 01r)
AUDITOR, downstage audience left, tall standing figure, sex undeterminable, enveloped from head to foot in loose black djellaba, with hood, fully faintly lit, standing on invisible podium about 4' high, shown by attitude alone to be facing diagonally acfross stage intent on MOUTH, dead still throughout but for four brief movements where indicated. See Note 1.

Not I Segment 2, version 6 (MS-UoR-1227-7-12-7, f. 01r)
AUDITOR, downstage audience left, tall standing figure, sex undeterminable, enveloped from head to foot in loose black djellaba with hood, fully faintly lit, standing on oinvisible podium about 4' high, shown by attitude alone to be facing diagonally across stage intent on MOUTH, dead still throughout but for four briegf movements where indicated. See Note 1.

Not I Segment 2, version 7 (MS-UoR-1227-7-12-8, f. 01r)
AUDITOR, downstage audience left, tall standing figure, sex undeterminable, enveloped from head to foot in loose black djellaba, with hood, fully faintly lit, standing on invisible podium about 4' high, shown by attitude alone to be facing diagonally across stage intent on MOUTH, dead still throughout but for four brief movements where indicated. See Note 1.

Not I Segment 2, version 8 (MS-HRC-SB-5-4, f. 03r)
AUDITOR, downstage audience left, tall standing figure, sex undeterminable, enveloped from head to foot in loose black djellaba, with hood, fully faintly lit, standing on invisible podium about 4' high, shown by attitude alone to be facing diagonally across stage intent on MOUTH, dead still throughout but for four brief movements where indicated. See Note 1.

Not I Segment 2, version 9 (MS-HRC-SB-5-3, f. 02r)
AUDITOR, downstage audience left, tall
standing figure, sex undeterminable,
enveloped from head to foot in loose
black djellaba, with hood, fully faintly
lit, standing on invisible podium about
4' high, shown by attitude alone to be
facing diagonally across stage intent on
MOUTH, dead still throughout but for
four brief movements where indicated.
See Note 1. .
Not I Segment 2, version 10 (Faber & Faber 1973, p. 6)
AUDITOR, downstage audience left, tall standing figure, sex undeterminable, enveloped from head to foot in loose black djellaba, with hood, fully faintly lit, standing on invisible podium about 4' high, shown by attitude alone to be facing diagonally across stage intent on MOUTH, dead still throughout but for four brief movements where indicated. See Note.

Pas moi Segment 2, version 11 (MS-UoR-1396-4-26, f. 08r)
AUDITEUR, vers le devant l'avant-scène côté jardin, haute stature figure silhouette,
sexe indétermine , enveloppée d'une ample
djellaba avec capuchon, faiblement éclairée
en entier, debout sur un podium invisible
d'un mètre et d'environ un mètre et
demi, immobile d'un bout à l'autre à
part 4 gestes brefs aux endroits indiqués.
Voir Note.
xxx xxx xxxion
xxx son attitude traduit une
xxx indiquant sa concentration
sur Bouche BOUCHE diagonalement à travers
la scène.. Seule l'attitude indique l'attention braquée
diagon en diagonale sur Bouche à travers
toute la scène.

Pas moi Segment 2, version 12 (MS-UoR-1396-4-27, f. 01r)
L'AUDITEURTEMOIN, vers l'avant-scène côté jardin, haute silhouette, sexe indéterminé, enveloppée d'une ample djellaba avec capuchon, faiblement éclairée en entier de tout son long, debout sur un podium invisible haut d'un mètre et demi environ, figée d'un bout à l'autre à part quatre gestes brefs aux endroits indiqués (voir note). Seule l'attitude indique l'attention braquée en diagonale sur BOUCHE à travers toute la scène.

Pas moi Segment 2, version 13 (MS-BnF-4-COL-344-27, f. 03r)
AUDITEUR, vers l'avant-scène côté jardin, haute silhouette, sexe indéterminé, enveloppée d'une ample djellaba
avec capuchon, faiblement éclairée de tout son long,
debout sur un podium invisible haut d'un mètre et demi
environ, figée d'un bout à l'autre à part quatre gestes
brefs aux endroits indiqués (voir note). Seule l'attitude indique l'attention braquée en diagobnale sur BOUCHE
à travers la scène.
Pas moi Segment 2, version 14 (Minuit 12, p. 2)
AUDITEUR, vers l'avant-scène côté jardin, haute silhouette, sexe indéterminé, enveloppée d'une ample djellaba avec capuchon, faiblement éclairée de tout son long, debout sur un podium invisible haut d'un mètre et demi environ, figée d'un bout à l'autre à part quatre gestes brefs aux endroits indiqués (voir note). Seule l'attitude indique l'attention braquée en diagonale sur BOUCHE à travers la scène.
Pas moi Segment 2, version 15 (Minuit 1975, p. 7)
AUDITEUR, vers l'avant-scène côté jardin, haute silhouette, sexe indéterminé, enveloppée d'une ample djellaba avec capuchon, faiblement éclairée de tout son long, debout sur un podium invisible haut d'un mètre et demi environ, figée d'un bout à l'autre à part quatre gestes brefs aux endroits indiqués (voir note). Seule l'attitude indique l'attention braquée en diagonale sur BOUCHE à travers la scène.