Digital Manuscript ProjectThat Time / Cette fois

[0045] the water and the sun going down till it went down and you
vanished all vanished
[0048] or that time alone on your back in th
r [place = overwritten] e
sand and no vows to break the peace when was that an earlier
time a later time before she came after she went or both
before she came after she was gone and you back in the old scene
scene whatever it might be might have been the same old scene
before as then then as after with the t [place = overwritten] rat l [place = overwritten] or the wheat the
yellowing ears or that time in the sand the glider passing
over that time you went back soon after long after
[0051] the glider
passing over the same never any change same blue skies nothing
ever changed but she with you there or not on your right hand
always the right hand on the fringe of the field and every
now and then in the great peace like a whiser [place = margin left] whisper so faint she
loved you hard to believe you even you ever made up that bit
tim [place = overwritten] ll the time came in the end
that time in the end that time
in the end when you tried and couldn't by the window in the
dark and the owl flown to hoot at someone else or back with
a shrew to its hollow tree and not another sound hour after
hour not a sound when you tried and tried and couldn't any
[0054] more no words left to keep it out so gave up there by the
window in the dark or moonlight and not a sound not another
sound gave up for good and let it in and nothing the worse
a great shrouxd billowing in all over you on top of you and
little or nothing the worse little or nothing
[place = inline]
CBACACAB [place = supralinear] CBCA
[place = inline] 3 x
ACBCABCABAC [place = supralinear] CAB
[place = inline]
CBAC [place = supralinear] CBCAACB [place = overwritten] A [place = supralinear] BCABCBCA
[place = inline]
BAC [place = supralinear] BAB [place = supralinear] CABCBABC
[place = inline] A ACABABCBABC
[place = inline] CBABACABCBCA
[place = inline] CBAC
[place = inline]
CBACABACCBC [place = overwritten] BCBA [place = supralinear] CBA
[place = inline] BCAB
[place = inline] 312222222231
- Segments
- Marginal Additions
- Titles
That Time / Cette fois © 2022 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: James Little and Vincent Neyt